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Set specified parameters for function entry in code replacement table


setTflCFunctionEntryParameters(hEntry,varargin) sets specified parameters for a function entry in a code replacement table.



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This example shows how to use the setTflCFunctionEntryParameters function to set specified parameters for a code replacement function entry for sqrt.

fcn_entry = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry;
fcn_entry.setTflCFunctionEntryParameters( ...
                               'Key',                      'sqrt', ...
                               'Priority',                 100, ...
                               'ImplementationName',       'sqrt', ...
                               'ImplementationHeaderFile', '<math.h>' );

Input Arguments

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The hEntry is a handle to a code replacement function entry previously returned by hEntry = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry or hEntry = MyCustomFunctionEntry, where MyCustomFunctionEntry is a class derived from RTW.TflCFunctionEntry.

Example: fcn_entry

Example: 'Key','sqrt'

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'Key','sqrt'

The AcceptExprInput value flags the code generator that the implementation function described by this entry accepts expression inputs. The default value is true if ImplType equals FCN_IMPL_FUNCT and false if ImplType equals FCN_IMPL_MACRO.

If the value is true, expression inputs are integrated into the generated code in a form similar to this form:

 rtY.Out1 = mySin(rtU.In1 + rtU.In2);

If the value is false, a temporary variable is generated for the expression input:

real_T rtb_Sum;

rtb_Sum = rtU.In1 + rtU.In2;
rtY.Out1 = mySin(rtb_Sum);

Example: 'AcceptExprInput',true

The AdditionalHeaderFiles value specifies additional header files for a code replacement table entry. The vectors can include tokens. For example, in the token $mytoken$, mytoken is a variable defined as a character vector or string scalar in the MATLAB® workspace or as a MATLAB function in the search path that returns a character vector.

Example: 'AdditionalHeaderFiles',{}

The AdditionalIncludePaths value specifies the full path of additional include paths for a code replacement entry. The character vectors or string array can include tokens. For example, in the token $mytoken$, mytoken is a variable defined as a character vector or string scalar in the MATLAB workspace or as a MATLAB function in the search path that returns a character vector.

Example: 'AdditionalIncludePaths',{}

The AdditionalLinkObjs value specifies additional link objects for a code replacement table entry. The character vectors or string array can include tokens. For example, in the token $mytoken$, mytoken is a variable defined as a character vector or string scalar in the MATLAB workspace or as a MATLAB function in the search path that returns a character vector.

Example: 'AdditionalLinkObjs',{}

The AdditionalLinkObjsPaths value specifies the full path of additional link object paths for a code replacement entry. The character vectors or string array can include tokens. For example, in the token $mytoken$, mytoken is a variable defined as a character vector or string scalar in the MATLAB workspace or as a MATLAB function in the search path that returns a character vector. The default is {}.

Example: 'AdditionalLinkObjsPaths',{}

The AdditionalSourceFiles value specifies additional source files for a code replacement table entry. The character vectors or string array can include tokens. For example, in the token $mytoken$, mytoken is a variable defined as a character vector or string scalar in the MATLAB workspace or as a MATLAB function in the search path that returns a character vector.

Example: 'AdditionalSourceFiles',{}

The AdditionalSourcePaths value specifies the full path of additional source paths for a code replacement entry. The character vectors or string array can include tokens. For example, in the token $mytoken$, mytoken is a variable defined as a character vector or string scalar in the MATLAB workspace or as a MATLAB function in the search path that returns a character vector.

Example: 'AdditionalSourcePaths',{}

The AdditionalCompileFlags value specifies additional flags required to compile the source files defined for a code replacement table entry. The default is {}.

Example: 'AdditionalCompileFlags',{}

The AdditionalLinkFlags value specifies additional flags required to link the compiled files for a code replacement table entry.

Example: 'AdditionalLinkFlags',{}

The ArrayLayout value specifies the order of array elements in memory supported by the replacement implementation. By default, the replacement implementation supports column-major data layout. For ROW-MAJOR, the replacement implementation supports row-major data layout. For COLUMN_AND_ROW, the replacement implementation supports column-major and row-major data layouts.

Example: 'ArrayLayout','ROW_MAJOR'

The EntryInfoAlgorithm value specifies a computation or approximation method, configured for the specified math function, that must be matched in order for function replacement to occur. Code replacement libraries support function replacement based on computation or approximation method for the math functions rSqrt, sin, cos, sincos, and atan2. The valid arguments for each supported function are listed in the table.




Match the default computation method, Exact


Match the Newton-Raphson computation method


Match a computation method






Match the CORDIC approximation method


Match the Lookup approximation method


Match the default approximation method, None


Match an approximation method

Example: 'EntryInfoAlgorithm','RTW_DEFAULT'

The GenCallback specifies a callback that follows code generation. If you specify 'RTW.copyFileToBuildDir', and if this function entry is matched and used, the code generator calls function RTW.copyFileToBuildDir after code generation. This callback function copies additional header, source, or object files that you have specified for this function entry to the build folder.

Example: 'GenCallback',''

The ImplementationHeaderFile value specifies the name of the header file that declares the implementation function, for example, '<math.h>'. The character vector or string scalar can include tokens. For example, in the token $mytoken$, mytoken is a variable defined as a character vector or string scalar in the MATLAB workspace or as a MATLAB function in the search path that returns a character vector.

Example: 'ImplementationHeaderFile',''

The ImplementationHeaderPath value specifies the full path to the implementation header file. The character vector or string scalar can include tokens. For example, in the token $mytoken$, mytoken is a variable defined as a character vector or string scalar in the MATLAB workspace or as a MATLAB function in the search path that returns a character vector.

Example: 'ImplementationHeaderPath',''

The ImplementationName value specifies the name of the implementation function, for example, 'sqrt', which can match or differ from the Key name.

Example: 'ImplementationName',''

The ImplementationSourceFile value specifies the name of the implementation source file. The character vector or string scalar can include tokens. For example, in the token $mytoken$, mytoken is a variable defined as a character vector or string scalar in the MATLAB workspace or as a MATLAB function in the search path that returns a character vector.

Example: 'ImplementationSourceFile',''

The ImplementationSourcePath value specifies the full path to the implementation source file. The character vector or string scalar can include tokens. For example, in the token $mytoken$, mytoken is a variable defined as a character vector or string scalar in the MATLAB workspace or as a MATLAB function in the search path that returns a character vector.

Example: 'ImplementationSourcePath',''

Use FCN_IMPL_FUNCT for function or FCN_IMPL_MACRO for macro.

Example: 'ImplType','FCN_IMPL_FUNCT'

The Key value specifies the name of the function to replace. The name must match a function name listed in Code You Can Replace from MATLAB Code or Code You Can Replace From Simulink Models.

Example: 'Key','sqrt'

The Priority value specifies the search priority for the function entry, relative to other entries of the same function name and conceptual argument list within this table. Highest priority is 0, and lowest priority is 100. If the table provides two implementations for a function, the implementation with the higher priority shadows the one with the lower priority.

Example: 'Priority',100

The RoundingModes value specifies one or more rounding modes supported by the implementation function.

Example: 'RoundingModes',{'RTW_ROUND_UNSPECIFIED'}

The SaturationMode value specifies the saturation mode supported by the implementation function.

Example: 'SaturationMode','RTW_SATURATE_UNSPECIFIED'

The SideEffects value flags the code generator not to optimize away the implementation function described by this entry. This parameter applies to implementation functions that return void but are not to be optimized away, such as a memcpy implementation or an implementation function that accesses global memory values. For those implementation functions only, you must include this parameter and specify the value true.

Example: 'SideEffects',false

The StoreFcnReturnInLocalVar value flags the code generator that the return value of the implementation function described by this entry must be stored in a local variable regardless of other expression folding settings. If the value is false, other expression folding settings determine whether the return value is folded. Storing function returns in a local variable can increase the clarity of generated code. This example shows code generated with expression folding:

void sw_step(void)
    if (ssub(sadd(sw_U.In1, sw_U.In2), sw_U.In3) <= 
        smul(ssub(sw_U.In4, sw_U.In5),sw_U.In6)) {  
      sw_Y.Out1 = sw_U.In7;  
    } else {
       sw_Y.Out1 = sw_U.In8;  

With StoreFcnReturnInLocalVar set to true, the generated code is potentially easier to understand and debug:

void sw_step(void)
    real32_T rtb_Switch;  
    real32_T hoistedExpr;
    rtb_Switch = sadd(sw_U.In1, sw_U.In2);
    rtb_Switch = ssub(rtb_Switch, sw_U.In3);
    hoistedExpr = ssub(sw_U.In4, sw_U.In5); 
    hoistedExpr = smul(hoistedExpr, sw_U.In6);  
    if (rtb_Switch <= hoistedExpr) {
       sw_Y.Out1 = sw_U.In7;  
    } else { 
       sw_Y.Out1 = sw_U.In8;  

Example: 'StoreFcnReturnInLocalVar',false

Version History

Introduced in R2007b