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Interface for managing target computer

Since R2024a


linuxTarget constructs a target object which represents a target computer and provides access to methods and properties related to the target computer.

The object provides access to methods and properties that:

  • Start, pause, resume, and stop the application.

  • Read and set parameters.

  • Monitor signals.

  • Retrieve status information about the target computer.

  • Restart the docker container on target computer.

  • Load and deploy the application.


tg = linuxTarget constructs a target object representing the only available target computer.

tg = linuxTarget(targetName) constructs a target object representing the target computer designated by targetName.

Example: Only One Target Computer Present

Example: Multiple Target Computers Present

Object Functions

connectConnect Simulink to selected target computer
deployApplicationPackageDeploy application package to selected target computer
disconnectDisconnect Simulink from selected target computer
getApplicationStateGet state of application deployed to target computer
getApplicationsGet applications deployed to target computer and application states
getDeploymentLocationGet deployment location for selected target computer
getIPAddressGet IP address of target computer
getMeasurementsGet list of measurable signals
getParametersGet list of tunable parameters
getSignalsUnderInstrumentView signals selected to measure
getTargetNameGet target computer name
getUserNameGet user name of target computer
isConnectedGet Boolean value representing target computer connection status
pauseApplicationPause application running on target computer
readParameterGet value of parameter
readParametersGet values of tunable parameters
removeApplicationPackageRemove application package from selected target computer
removeSignalsFromInstrumentRemove signals for which visualization is not required
restartContainerRestart or recreate docker container
restartStreamingRestart streaming of signals
resumeApplicationResume application on target computer
selectSignalsToInstrumentAdd signals of interest to visualize application behavior
setApplicationStateCallbackTrigger a function when state of application changes
setDeploymentLocationSet location for deployed application on target computer
setIPAddressSet IP address for target computer
setPasswordSet password for target computer
setTargetConnectionStatusCallbackSet callback function to trigger when status of connection to target computer changes
setUserNameSet user name for target computer
startApplicationLaunch application
startMonitorAndTuneStart parameter tuning and signal monitoring
startStreamingStart streaming of signals and visualize results
stopApplicationTerminate application that is running on target computer
stopMonitorAndTuneStop parameter tuning of the application
stopStreamingStop streaming signal data
uninstallTargetDelete docker image on target computer
updateTargetUpdate docker image on target computer if there is a version mismatch
writeParameterWrite or tune application parameter


collapse all

Create a target object that communicates with the available target computer. Select the available target computer by using the linuxTarget.


Create a target object that communicates with the specified target computer. Select a specific target computer by using the linuxTarget.


Version History

Introduced in R2024a

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