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Plot Customization

Customize analysis plot appearance and units

You can customize response plots using interactive plot tools and the plot property editor. Use the functions in this category to generate response plots that are customizable at the command line. For information about linear analysis plots and data, see Time and Frequency Domain Analysis.


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impulseplotPlot impulse response of dynamic system
initialplotPlot initial condition response of dynamic system
stepplotPlot step response of dynamic system
lsimplotPlot simulated time response of dynamic system to arbitrary inputs
bodeplotPlot Bode frequency response of dynamic system
nicholsplotPlot Nichols frequency response of dynamic system
nyquistplotPlot Nyquist response of dynamic system
sigmaplotPlot singular values for frequency response of dynamic system
pzplotPlot pole-zero map of dynamic system
iopzplotPlot pole-zero map for input-output pairs of dynamic system
rlocusplotRoot locus plot of dynamic system
timeoptionsCreate list of time plot options
bodeoptionsPlot options for bodeplot
nicholsoptionsPlot options for nicholsplot
nyquistoptionsCreate list of Nyquist plot options
sigmaoptionsSigma plot options
hsvoptionsCreate list of Hankel singular value plot options
pzoptionsOptions for pole-zero plots
ctrlprefSet Control System Toolbox preferences
addResponseAdd dynamic system response to existing response plot (Since R2024b)
zoomcpZoom Nyquist plot to region around critical point


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ImpulsePlot PropertiesAccess impulse plot properties (Since R2024b)
InitialPlot PropertiesAccess initial condition plot properties (Since R2024b)
LSimPlot PropertiesAccess simulated time response plot properties (Since R2024b)
StepPlot PropertiesAccess step plot properties (Since R2024b)
BodePlot PropertiesAccess Bode plot properties (Since R2024b)
NicholsPlot PropertiesAccess Nichols plot properties (Since R2024b)
NyquistPlot PropertiesAccess Nyquist plot properties (Since R2024b)
SigmaPlot PropertiesAccess singular-value plot properties (Since R2024b)
HSVPlot PropertiesAccess Hankel singular value plot properties (Since R2024b)
IOPZPlot PropertiesAccess input-output pole-zero plot properties (Since R2024b)
PZPlot PropertiesAccess pole-zero plot properties (Since R2024b)
RLocusPlot PropertiesAccess root locus plot properties (Since R2024b)

Live Editor Tasks

Create PlotInteractively create linear analysis response plots in the Live Editor (Since R2022b)


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