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Block execution of a calling program as long as figures created in encapsulated MATLAB code are displayed




waitForFigures() blocks execution of the calling program as long as figures created in encapsulated MATLAB® code are displayed. Typically, you use waitForFigures when:

  • There are one or more figures open that were created by a Java® class created by the MATLAB Compiler SDK™ product.

  • The method that displays the graphics requires user input before continuing.

  • The method that calls the figures was called from main() in a console program.

If the program has multiple threads, waitForFigures blocks only the thread that calls the function.


Use care when calling the waitForFigures method. Calling this method from an interactive program such as Microsoft® Excel® can hang the application. Call this method only from console-based programs.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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