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Compute dynamic pressure using velocity and density


dynamic_pressure = dpressure(velocity,rho) computes dynamic pressure, dynamic_pressure, from an m-by-3 array of Cartesian velocity vectors, velocity, and a 1-D array of densities, rho. velocity and rho must have the same length units.



collapse all

Determine dynamic pressure for velocity in feet per second and density in slugs per feet cubed.

q = dpressure([84.3905  33.7562  10.1269], 0.0024)
q = 

Determine dynamic pressure for velocity in meters per second and density in kilograms per meters cubed.

q = dpressure([25.7222 10.2889 3.0867], [1.225  0.3639])
q = 2×1


Determine dynamic pressure for velocity in meters per second and density in kilograms per meters cubed.

q = dpressure([50 20 6; 5 0.5 2], [1.225  0.3639])
q = 2×1
103 ×


Input Arguments

collapse all

Cartesian velocity vectors, specified as an m-by-3 array. velocity and rho must have the same length.

Data Types: double

Density, specified as an array of m densities. velocity and rho must have the same number of rows.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

collapse all

Dynamic pressure, returned as a scalar or array of m pressures.

Version History

Introduced in R2006b

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