Coder Summit: Optimizing Lookup Tables in Simulink and Embedded Coder - MATLAB & Simulink
Video length is 3:11

Coder Summit: Optimizing Lookup Tables in Simulink and Embedded Coder

From the series: Coder Summit

In R2018a, Fixed-Point Designer™ lets you optimize lookup tables in Simulink® and generate highly efficient code with Embedded Coder®. The Lookup Table Optimizer compresses data into data types and word lengths that minimze memory consumption with mimimum impact to numerical accuracy. Examples show 95% reduction in lookup table size for control system applications.

In addition to optimizing lookup tables, you can use the Lookup Table Optimizer to automate the replacement of costly math functions with efficient lookup tables.

This presentation is from Coder Summit Talks, which are live recordings of developers and engineers debuting their best MATLAB® and Simulink Coder™ optimizations and examples at an annual technical interchange.


Published: 26 Mar 2018