Add 0.5 *0.5 degree grid on figure (country)
You can set the XTick and YTick properties of the axis. Blessings, Spencer

mer än 4 år ago | 1

Cell2table header transfers
Your Test_cell format is not compatible with the SM_C table you have in Annoation.jpg. To add a new field to an existing table,...

mer än 4 år ago | 0

Colormap overriden by new Parent figure
Still working on this problem if anyone has more suggestions. Attached is a screencap of my GUI with the panel on the left in t...

mer än 5 år ago | 0

Colormap overriden by new Parent figure
There must be a flag somewhere so the system knows whether to override the axes colormap with the figure colormap. I cannot find...

mer än 5 år ago | 0

Colormap overriden by new Parent figure
Thanks. I forgot about that. This works for my example. However, for some reason I'm still having trouble with colormap with m...

mer än 5 år ago | 0


Colormap overriden by new Parent figure
I've encountered a strange problem with colormaps. When I transfer the "Parent" attribute of my axis to a new figure, then its c...

mer än 5 år ago | 4 answers | 0




Permanent panel of GoTo section list
In Matlab Editor, the GoTo toolstrip will give a list of sections that allows you jump to various locations of the script. Is t...

nästan 6 år ago | 1 answer | 1




NI PCIe-6353 for Simulink Desktop Real-Time OS X
I have a NI PCIe-6353 installed on a mac running OSX 10.10.5. I know there is not NI driver for this card, but since the Sim...

nästan 6 år ago | 1 answer | 0




Driving Audio Device in Simulink Desktop Real-time
The Audio Writer block does not work in External Mode with Desktop Real-Time. Is there a way to drive the audio output otherw...

mer än 6 år ago | 0 answers | 0



interpolate and resize matrix?
You can look up Matlab's "interp2" built-in function.

mer än 7 år ago | 0

| accepted

I need svm classifier code.
Try searching for SVM in Matlab's documentation.

mer än 7 år ago | 0

Is there a way to remove the nested for loops from this segment of code? I'm trying to make the code generic so it can take in n-number of moment arrays.
Not exactly sure if this is what you are looking for: > sum(moment,3); to sum the 3rd dimension of the matrix?

mer än 7 år ago | 0

What is the problem with my function to compute the cosine similarity of two images?
Please read Matlab documentation on the differences between the "*" and ".*" notations. Also please read more about vector opera...

mer än 7 år ago | 0

How can I solve a VideoReader error on ubuntu linux?
Can you test to see if your filename can be found from Matlab using the "exist" function?

mer än 7 år ago | 0

Why the EOF gives the total of 99.9
Running error, perhaps. caleof is not a built-in Matlab function. You are probably using the File Exchange toolbox: https:...

mer än 7 år ago | 0

Why my input image is displayed as blank image by using the following code?
The problem is that your converted your image to a double then applied rgb2gray. When the input is double, rgb2gray is expecting...

mer än 7 år ago | 0

is it im2double() have the same result with double()?
Try it and tell us.

mer än 7 år ago | 0

Basic functions not working
It looks to me that somehow the internal "find" function is overridden with another function in the Matlab path or by a variable...

mer än 7 år ago | 0


Image Acquisition getdata race condition when camera is active capturing frames
I am working with a PCO Edge 4.2 on Matlab R2016a with Image Acquisition Toolbox on Win7sp1 64-bit. This camera has the function...

nästan 8 år ago | 0 answers | 0

