how can find a point from an array where the points it follows start to decrease
Assumption : there is on only one decreasing region in your data points. x = -2:0.1:6; y = x.^3-5*x.^2+5*x-2; D =...

nästan 9 år ago | 0

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In adding a plot legend, is there a way to name a legend element with what is contained within a specific cell within a structure?
something like this? x = -pi:pi/20:pi; y1 = sin(x); y2 = cos(x); leg(1).name = 'sin(x)'; leg(2).name = 'cos(x)'...

nästan 9 år ago | 0

how to get file name when i take a image file from imgetfile
One easy way is to write a code for that ! (assumption: there is no dot (.) in the name of the image) IMPORTANT NOTE : if you...

nästan 9 år ago | 0

Ranking rows in a matrix without changing order of elements in rows
A = [1 0 0 1 0; 0 1 1 1 1; 1 0 1 1 0; 0 0 0 1 0] B = sum(A')'; [m,n] = sort(B); now A(n(1),:) shows the raw with the ...

ungefär 9 år ago | 0

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delete rows depend on repeated value from 1 col
Consider this example (it is not the fastest and easiest way, but it solves your problem) s = {3 '2013-10-01' '11:00:00' '00...

ungefär 9 år ago | 0

save a table result
1- Use "save" to save any variable (including tables) in workspace. For example, save the table "T" in the file "savefile.mat". ...

ungefär 9 år ago | 2

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How to write MATLAb code to generate confusion matrices and calcultes recall and precision?
You do not have to make 21 separate confusion matrices. You should just make one confusion matrix. E.g. let Y be a vector with ...

ungefär 9 år ago | 0


How can I make a decision stump using a decision tree ?
Right now, I am using fitctree and pruning the tree to level one, but beacuse the 'SplitCriterion' is 'gdi' and the 'PruneCriter...

ungefär 9 år ago | 1 answer | 0



What parameters to use to show performance of a classifer
There is not any "best" performance evaluation, specifically for N-class classifier (N>2) . It depends on your problem in hand. ...

ungefär 9 år ago | 0

what does it mean: "MaxNumSplits is not a valid parameter name"
I believe the Matlab version that you are using does not support MaxNumSplits. To check this, type help templateTree an...

ungefär 9 år ago | 0

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