Can't find where the warning msg is from
The idea of |notify(obj,event,myinput)| is that MATLAB sends a signal to all objects that are listening for the event |event|. Y...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

How can I get fprintf to show plus sign in front of positive numbers ?
So close ... You want %+4.2f fprintf('%+4.2f%+4.2fX1%+4.2fX2%+4.2fX1^2%+4.2fX1X2%+4.2fX2^2\n\n',a1 ,a2 ,a3 ,a4 ,a5 ,a6)

mer än 11 år ago | 7

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Comparing arrayfun and for loop
Has anyone ever compared arrayfun and a for loop for speed? This is partially inspired by this <

mer än 11 år ago | 1 answer | 3



slitting a number into year, mont and day
It is not clear what your "a" is. If it is a numeric array a = [ 19900101 19900102 19900103 1990...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

Friday Fun with EVAL()
What about str2func?

mer än 11 år ago | 0

How to know starting which MATLAB release a particular function was implemented?
Unfortunately there is no easy way. You can go back through the release notes version by version until you find that it was intr...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

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Trying to avoid a simple triple for loop.
It looks like you can eliminate the first part of the if statement since xi, yi and zi are always greater than 0. Instead of loo...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

How to prevent Matlab from immediately running after calling Linux Command?
I believe the |unix| and |system| commands do not return until the command you are calling return so that they can get the poten...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

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Would MATLAB benifit from scrapping backwards compatibility
The MATLAB language has been under active development for around 30 years. While I don't have any 30 year old code, I do have 20...

mer än 11 år ago | 2 answers | 2



Want to fit linear curve on my data.
I don't like working on log scales, I would rather take the log transform of my data x=[0;0.100000000000000;0.2000000000000...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

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Easter eggs as Matlab code
As inspiration you might want to check out how to make eggs in <

mer än 11 år ago | 1

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Move Matlab installation folder
You should be able to if you can leave a symlink in the original location. If you cannot leave a symlink, you may have to deal w...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

Setting default Figure font, different from Desktop
There is a nice blog post about this over at < undocumente...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

Can you create GUI Elements as an array? (Avoiding eval)
You can access fields of structures <

mer än 11 år ago | 2

Timing two events in an If loop? GUI HELP. THANKS
I am not really sure what you are asking, nor can I figure out why the code you posted is relevant... My guess is you are doing ...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

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What does this mean? (Attempted to access Q(0); index must be a positive integer or logical.)
Your for loop doesn't make any sense. It is a bad idea to iterate on a variable that you then change within a for loop (in this ...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

Is there a way to vectorize the 3 for loops?
Why do you want to vectorize the code? Loops in MATLAB are no longer, and haven't been for a decade, inherently slow. Is your qu...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

Controlling markertype and linestyle in plotyy
If you read the manual (doc plotyy) it tells you exactly how to do it in the example set(H1,'LineStyle','--') set(H2,'Li...

mer än 11 år ago | 0


Timers: possible bug/documentation error
A few years ago I asked this < question> ab...

mer än 11 år ago | 1 answer | 2



timer or while-loop is the question
I think your reasons to use a timer are wrong. Since timers are running in an alternate thread they don't always fire when they ...

mer än 11 år ago | 1

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Graphical representation of Ping
You can extract the time data with a regular expression time = cellfun(@(y)(str2double(y{2})), regexp(result, '(time[=<])([...

mer än 11 år ago | 1

Date for release of Matlab R2013a
I guess I should have made my prediction, as stated in the original question, of 6 March 2013 into an answer. I didn't expect to...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

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Removing latex font in a label/title
The standard LaTeX font is computer modern. Using helvetica for text in LaTeX is relatively straight forward:\usepackage{helvet}...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

Avoid interruptions in the callbacks for several controls
Callbacks are only processed when the event queue is flushed. There are only a small number of things that can cause this (pause...

mer än 11 år ago | 1

Debug code invoked by timer
My solution, that I alluded to in the original thread, looks almost identical to your invoke_by_timer_cacth, except I use the ge...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

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how to get my PLP no
I would contact customer support. They are very good at handling these sorts of things.

mer än 11 år ago | 0

curve of best fit from a few points
The title of your question says line, bu the body of the question says curve. If you really interested in a straight line, then ...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

Linked lists guide or tutorial?
The OOP section of the manual includes a comprehensive worked example of setting up a <

mer än 11 år ago | 0

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How to prevent Matlab to round off numbers?
The problem is that your numbers are too big to be accurately represented as double precision (or even 64-bit integers). You can...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

Showing only 2 decimals
Is this what you want? sprintf('%.2e',0.123456789e-10) ans = 1.23e-11

mer än 11 år ago | 1

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