regexprep - may the replacement string contain a variable?
Does this work? regexprep(str, '(xx\(i,)BE(\))', ['$1',q,'$2'] )

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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How do I write a script for a GUI.m file that allows me to press a button, choose a (*.csv) file and then copy this (*.csv) file to the current folder so it can be used for an existing simulation?
You need to make complete pathnames. One way to do it is to concatenate the output from UIGETFILE and also to concatenate the d...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Using "find" for finding decimal values
MiauMiau, the numbers you are looking for are obviously different from the short format you see. Do this: [~,idx] = min(...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

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How to add a timer
Here is a simple example. You should be able to adapt the concepts to your GUI or whatever. function [] = gui_timer() ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

Changing the colour of a plot
load Data S = surf(x1, y1, z1); % Original to compare figure S2 = surf(x1, y1, z1); set(S2,'facecolor','interp','C...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

How to do set subtraction
a = 1:3; b = 2:5; c = setdiff(b,a)

ungefär 12 år ago | 4

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How to vectorize a find
The last statement you show _is_ vectorized, so the question is ill-posed. I think what you are asking for is a way to speed up...

ungefär 12 år ago | 2

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Where is a list of eventtypes for listeners?
_Usually_ I think MATLAB has excellent documentation, but there are occasions when I have to pull my hair out looking for someth...

ungefär 12 år ago | 2 answers | 6



How to constantly update a plot off of a slider being pulled
Yes. function [] = slider_plot() % Plot different plots according to slider location. S.fh = figure('units','...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

If , while with or
Did you look at the documentation? doc while In the documentation are examples. a = 1; b = 10; c = 20; d...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

Does logical indexing have a direct inverse?
Simple example: A = randperm(4); X = [0 1 0 1] B = A(X~=0) clear A Now _just look at_ X and B. By looking at j...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

How do I plot specific values from a matrix
idx = A(:,4)==3.7 & A(:,2)==1.2; plot(A(idx,1),A(idx,5)) Beware floating point issues!

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

Correction function for graph
Use the SURF function to make a surface. doc surf

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

UICONTEXTMENU will not appear on GUI
You need to set the uicontextmenu property, not assign a parent. S.fh = figure; cmenu = uicontextmenu; bgmenu = uim...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Compare two vectors for similarity
What is the criteria for 'almost similar' in your application? 90% same exact values? 90% of the values in one vector within 9...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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For Loop runs too many times
I am confused about your question. You say you want to have C be a 2-by-3-by-4 array at the end of the loop, correct? That is ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

Reference to non-existent field 'aD42'? Please help.
Use this line: solaD = solve(eqaDx,eqaDy,ep5z,aD42) Instead of the one you use for solaD. The problem is you have three...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Product of probabilities by group
Here is another method. This might work best if you have groups in increments of one because it uses the group number as the in...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

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Predefined variables k, z? Ans Help
k is a integer constant: Any integer k gives another solution. This is common with periodic functions. z is probably any comp...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

GUI differences among different users
Set the renderer of the GUI figure to painters or zbuffers and try again.

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

Gamma function in MATLAB
syms s y I = int(s^(1/40)*exp(-(y-5)^(2)/(2*s^2)),s)

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

How does one add multiple objects at random postions?
Add 5 of them: for ii = 1:5 mge_add_object('name','bear1','type','obstacle','pos', [randi(5),rand...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

Problem with datestr e datenum
>> data_even = {' 31/10/2012' ' 31/10/2012' ' 01/11/2012' ' 01/11/201...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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In a MatLab plot, when is 'box on' the default, and when is it not?
I see you were not just using the PLOT function. The STAIRS function sets the box to on (line 99 in stairs.m). Thus as I s...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

Select a radiobutton.Calculate derivation or integration.
If you put the code in SelectionChangeFcn, then the integral or derivative will be computed as soon as the user changes radio bu...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

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how can i determine whether a matrix of any size is sorted or not (by rows and by columns)?
See the help for the ISSORTED function. help issorted

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

Need help with edit box in matlab gui
n = str2double(get(handles.edit2,'String'));

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Vectorize sum of discount rates
R = 5; cumsum(R.^(0:4))

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Matlab out of memory when use index to access an element of an array
You are probably seeing copy-on-write behavior. When you first assign the value of rows to cols, MATLAB doesn't actually create...

ungefär 12 år ago | 3

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how to simplify multi- if statement
STR = char(65:90) KEY = randi(10000,1,length(STR)) But what are you going to do with these that you would need an IF blo...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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