Why do i keep on getting error 'Not enough input arguments' on calling the function?
See below for the modified version. There were two issues: You need to call the function with two inputs: the array and the in...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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for loop skipping an iteration
I would use a separate variable for the for-loop. See below with the adjusmtents. n = [10 100 1000]; for i = 1:numel(n) ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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How to do vector loop equation?
The syntax for the solve function works a bit different, see below for a demonstration. Notice that if you have a set of two eq...

nästan 2 år ago | 1

How to combine 2 function handles of different variables?
You need to add the input parameter in order to evaluate the functions. See below for demonstration using some random inputs. Y...

nästan 2 år ago | 1

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Extracting survey data from individual files and combining
I used the text files from your comment to update my answer, to (hopfully) better fit it to what you are looking for. I was not...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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fprintf two 3x1 matrix's w/ text
Make sure that you add an end of line character "\n" to the end of the fprintf statement, otherwise evrtything will be printed o...

nästan 2 år ago | 1

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Change file from equipment to .txt files
This would do the trick, see below for some comments. % Enter the directory to search directory = uigetdir(); % List all item...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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I tried plot a 3d animated but it doesn't work.
I think you want to use scatter3 and not plot3. See below for a demonstration, i commented some line to run it in the browser (w...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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How di I make concise multiple parameter calls?
One way to do this is by storing the data (or params as you call them) in a cell array, see below for an example. MyString = ['...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 7).
I indicated in your script where the issue lies, in short: P is a 7x2 matrix. when kk == length(k), it means that k(kk) = 7 ...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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3D point plotting
you can use the plot3 function to plot a 3D line, see below for a demonstration. L1 = 26; R1 = [16 ;17 ; 19 ;25 ;26 ; 27 ; ...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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How do you change the asterisks in the first string to the characters in the same positions in the second string?
See below for one method. string1 = 'v**de***t'; string2 = 'eolehmors'; % find location of the asterisks idx = string1 == ...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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How to display only few values in a plot rather than for whole points in a big array?
See below for a demonstration, i had to assume some parameters. However the plotting princaple remains the same. % these parame...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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Join two table variables into one. == does not works of table type
I think one of the issues is the nan in the data, the result of nan == nan is something for philosophers :) Anyhow, see below f...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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How to get all positive values in following code
Im modified the code a bit, see below for the adjustments and some coments in the code. I stored the T values along with the i ...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

displaying images in random order using 'imread' function
one method could be the following: % number of images numImg = 4; % random permutation of the integers 1:numImg imgIdx = ran...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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formula for changing the base of a logarithm is: loga(N) = (logb(N))/(logb(a)) (a) Use MATLAB's function log (x) to calculate log4(0.085)
You can create a function handle to eval the desired base: log4_fun = @(x) log(x) / log(4) log4_fun(0.85)

nästan 2 år ago | 0

Efficient submatrix product computation
Do note that a for loop can be very efficient. I'm not sure the single line methods will always be faster. Below you can find o...

nästan 2 år ago | 1

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Adding parameter to file name string when saving a figure using savefig or figsave
Do you mean savefig? See below fo a method to create the filename as you indicate and a demo to save and open the figure. CHANN...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

How to use IF statements to find data greater than or equal to a certain amount
see below for a demonstration Time = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]'; Capacitance = [0.3 0.5 0.8 1 1.3 1.4 1.2 0.9 0.5]'; MyTable = ta...

nästan 2 år ago | 1

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I get wrong logic while I compare two datetimes
Note that isbetween(t,tlower,tupper) is used to check the following logic: tlower <= t & t <= tupper. See below for the code ru...

nästan 2 år ago | 1

Connecting dots with spline or polinomial on an image to process it later
There are multiple ways to do this, here is one example using a file exchange function to subsaple the spline and make a smooth ...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

How to create a counter to store multiple solutions
Since you have a double loop, the easiest method will be to add a variable e.g. counter. Initialize it to zero, and then add 1 t...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

compare 1X6 cell data with Structure
you can use the contains function do determine if the desired name is in the folder name. See below for the procedure. The resul...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

Can't get my code to execute
There were some minor mistakes, see below for the code with inline comments to explain the differences. A = 1.325; B = 3.7; ...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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How to print multiple Values using sprintf In matlab
This is due to the amount %d you have used. Only use 2 of them for DS Value and 19 for DS Length update added a 'print string' ...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

Getting dimension indexes based on element index
You can use the ind2sub function for this (link --> Convert linear indices to subscripts - MATLAB ind2sub ( ) See...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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How to extract a string before a number?
You can use the regexp function to find the indexes for the numbers. Then you can split the char array using that index (minus o...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

Sum selected columns of a matrix
One approach is shown below, there are some comments to explain the steps. A = [0.0486947932834768 0.590504451038576 0 0.057986...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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Unexpected result at interpolating values from scattered data
You could try another approach, by first fitting a curve trough the points of the two lines. Then evaluating those line alone eq...

nästan 2 år ago | 2

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