
Force and Motion 3
Two robots push on a large object in the same direction. One robot pushes with a force of F1 Newtons and the other with a force...

nästan 2 år ago


Force and Motion 2
Two robots are pulling on an object in opposite directions. One robot pulls with a force of F1 Newtons and the other with a forc...

nästan 2 år ago


Taxicab distance

nästan 2 år ago


Find the summation, mean, median, mode and standard deviation of a given array.
An array is given. Find out the summation, mean, median, mode and standard deviation of a given array. If x=[1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,...

nästan 2 år ago


Número Repetido
Dado um número inteiro N, verifique se o número é composto apenas do mesmo inteiro VerificaRepetido(123) = false; VerificaRepe...

nästan 2 år ago


Dice roll - opposite faces
For this problem, you will be provided with the values of a dice roll (regular six-sided dice). The number of dice will be at le...

nästan 2 år ago


Identifying teenager
Suppose the age of a person is given. If he/she is a teenage, answer is 'yes'. Otherwise, the answer is 'no'.

nästan 2 år ago


Distancia Vetores
Dados dois vetores a = (x1, y1) e b = (x2, y2). Calcule a distância entre os vetores e verifique se estão perto (distancia < 10)...

nästan 2 år ago


Determine whether a given point is inside or outside a polygon
A closed polygon may be described by an N x 2 array of nodes, where the last node and the first node are the same. Each row of t...

nästan 2 år ago


Zero or hero
A number will be given as an input. You can be hero if it's not zero. (Just for fun)

nästan 2 år ago


Alternative Dimensions
Given a multidimensional matrix, transform the matrix so the dimensions are in the order given by variable ord. For example, giv...

nästan 2 år ago


Mathematical formula
Find the value of the expression given the values of variables t and k. Assume g=9.81

nästan 2 år ago


Predict Cricket Stridulation Rate from Air Temperature
Stridulation is the process that creates a cricket's “chirp” by rubbing their wings or legs. According to the Old Farmer's Alma...

nästan 2 år ago


Lista Ordenada
Dado um vetor V, verifique se o vetor está ordenado, retorne true ou false. Ordenado([1 2 3 4]) = true;

nästan 2 år ago


Juros Compostos
Faça uma função que receba um capital inicial (C), uma taxa de juros a ser aplicada (i) e um tempo (t) para qual será aplicado o...

nästan 2 år ago


Tipos de Triangulos
Dados os tamanhos dos lados de um triangulos A, B e C. Retorne qual o tipo do triangulo: 'equilátero', 'escaleno' ou 'isósceles'...

nästan 2 år ago


Remove Repetidos e Ordena
Dado um vetor A, remove todos os valores repetidos deixando apenas 1 valor, e ordene o vetor. RemoveRepetidosEOrdena([1 1 2 3])...

nästan 2 år ago


Number Puzzle - 047

nästan 2 år ago


Number Puzzle - 045

nästan 2 år ago


Number Puzzle - 039

nästan 2 år ago


Number Puzzle - 037

nästan 2 år ago


Number Puzzle - 034

nästan 2 år ago


Number Puzzle - 032

nästan 2 år ago


Find the square of the sum of the digits of a number
If a number (n) is provided as an input, find the square of the sum of the digits of the number. Example If n = 21, the an...

nästan 2 år ago


How many monitors are connected ?
How to obtain the numbers of monitors connected to your computer ?

nästan 2 år ago


Find the Pattern 10

nästan 2 år ago


Find and replaces spaces from a input string with *
For a given input string str, find how many spaces are there in the string and replace those spaces with * e.g. str = 'this is ...

nästan 2 år ago


Musical Note Interval 1 - Diatonic Scale
Assuming a simple diatonic C scale, calculate the interval (integer) between two notes (provided as strings). By applying number...

nästan 2 år ago


magic solver
Create a function that returns _true_ and has a cody <

nästan 2 år ago

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