

nästan 8 år ago

動画に限らず一般的なファイルであれば下記で取得できます。お試しください。 MyFileInfo = dir('1.mp4');

nästan 8 år ago | 1

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MATLAB Support Package for Raspberry Pi HardwareをアドオンするとRaspberry Piと連携して使うことができます。 <

nästan 8 år ago | 1

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引数で変数名を入れるところを保存したファイル名でいれていらっしゃるからかと推測します。 load data.mat; の実行で出てくる変数はdataでしょうか。 その場合下記で実行されて、結果はどうでしょうか。 order = ...

nästan 8 år ago | 3

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ドキュメンテーション深層学習を使用したイメージ カテゴリの分類での質問です.
CNNのネットワークの層の置き換えは下記で行うことができます。 mylayers = convnet.Layers mylayers(1) = imageInputLayer([454 454 3]); mylayers また、...

nästan 8 år ago | 3

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Make the vector [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
In MATLAB, you create a vector by enclosing the elements in square brackets like so: x = [1 2 3 4] Commas are optional, s...

nästan 8 år ago



ungefär 8 år ago

How to resize video
I think you can write like this function myfunc() %code end In this example, imresize is used in function....

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

how to find the distance between two point in a video while playing video?
You can get each frame with the following code. And deal with it as an image. vidobj = vision.VideoFileReader('filename') ...

ungefär 8 år ago | 2

How i can crop image with bw roipoly and how to display?
If you want to show the segmented image, please try this after creating mask. out = rgb2gray(I); out(~BW) =0; imshow(...

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

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How to resize video
imresize function is fine. Here is the example. vidobj = vision.VideoFileReader('moviename') viewer = vision.Deployable...

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

I want to divide image into 8*8 blocks and to find the color difference between pixels inside the block. And i need to retrieve only the larger difference pixel.
You can cut out 8*8 image from a large image. Icut = I(i:i+8,k:k+8); Please set appropriate i,k value to get the area yo...

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

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I need to find red,yellow,orange colors only in an image .how to find repeated pixel values for those colors in an and RGB image.
This is nice tool to understand the intensity in RGB color space imtool You should specify the threshold level from the ...

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

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how to display LAB colors present in an image with their intensity values to retrieve a particular object based on color
I recommend you to use colorThresholder <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/68589/1..bmp>> You can see LAB spectr...

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

How can I change one column of a .mat file ?
I think you need to write conditional statement like here if A(i,97)== 1:5 || A(i,97)== 11:15 || A(i,97)== || 21:25 ... ...

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

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How can I change one column of a .mat file ?
You can replace data in a colum. Please see below. imax1 = 100 imax2=4; data = randi(imax1,[1769,97]); newcol = ...

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

Reconstructing 3D point cloud from two stereo images
This shows the workfrow to reconstruct point cloud from stereo vision <

ungefär 8 år ago | 2

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fill a particular blob with black
Please try this. L = bwlabel(BW); [r,c] = find(L == 4); BW(r,c) = 0; figure,imshow(BW)

ungefär 8 år ago | 1

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I am a beginner of using matlab. I have a extracted ROI of lung CT scan. I want to remove the rod (stick) like structures from that binary image in order to left only the round objects ( nodules). Please, kindly advise me.
I recommend you to use regionprops function. You can measure properties of binary image with this. <

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

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こちらのページが参考になるかと思います。 <

ungefär 8 år ago | 3


GPSデータ解析 (Mobile GPS data analysis on ThingSpeak)
3D plot of GPS location and Overlay the GPS data on map

ungefär 8 år ago | 2 downloads |

How do I isolate the layers of the given grayscale image?
Here it is. <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/68298/result.jpg>> I = imread('point5.jpg'); Ig = rgb2gray(I)...

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

how can i find displacement in image between two points in millimeter?
Please use imtool(). It has a ruler function. <>

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

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Applying translations to a folder of images
I show the way to write image in different folder. I = imread('chrom\image.jpg'); <image processing> mkdir('chrom...

ungefär 8 år ago | 1

compare the intensity of a pixel with the one next to it
if 'one next to it' means right side pixcel, you can identify the value increase/decrease more than 300. I = imread('fi...

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

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How to display all selected region in the one figure?
Here is a sample using subplot. figure, for i = 1:N subplot(2,3,i),imshow(iwant{i}); end

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

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Issue in recognising multiple objects in an Image
Why don't you use R-CNN? I think you should cut block f...

ungefär 8 år ago | 0

上記リンクのなかでは、いくつかのものからひとつを見つける下記のサンプルが合うかと思います。 Create a network for multiclass R-CNN object detection 学習には正解のラベル付けをした画像のデータ...

ungefär 8 år ago | 3

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How to find index of cell array
How about using transposition? B=A'; [maxval idx] = max([B{:}]) You can get maxval = 10 idx = ...

ungefär 8 år ago | 1

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画像の周囲と中央の境界になっている部分を検出してトリミングするサンプルです。 I = imread('grayscale2.png'); Ig = rgb2gray(I); Ie = edge(Ig,'Sobel',0.00001);...

ungefär 8 år ago | 1

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