
MinMax mapping
Given a matrix, map all the elements within a given interval. For example, a=[ 2 5 10] mapped in the interval [1,2] ...

11 månader ago


Dominant Matrix - 01
A matrix is said to be diagonally dominant if for every row of the matrix, the magnitude of the diagonal entry in a row is large...

11 månader ago


Cancel Middle
Write a function called cancel_middle that takes A, an n-by-m matrix, as an input where both n and m are odd numbers an...

11 månader ago


Double Fibonacci
double_fibonacci takes two integers, each greater than one, as input arguments (it does not have to check the format of the inpu...

11 månader ago


Make the first letter of a sentence Capital.
In this problem you will be given a string of 2 or 3 lines. Your work is to make the first letters of every line Capital. You wi...

11 månader ago


Minimum Maximum Sort Array
sort one array by put minimum value followed by maximum as follow a=[2 3 1 5] and the solution is y=[1 5 2 3 3 2 5 1];

11 månader ago


Euclidean inter-point distance matrix
The Euclidean distance between two points in a p-dimensional space is a really common thing to compute in the field of computati...

11 månader ago


¿Es una función exponencial?
Crea una función que permita analizar si los datos dados por el usuario ( *x* e *y*) se relacionan por medio de una función expo...

11 månader ago


Determine connected components of a graph
Adjacency matrix of an undirected graph is given. Return the number of connected components in the graph.

11 månader ago


Absolute Value of the Product of Complex Numbers
Find the absolute value (modulus) of the product of two complex numbers given by a + bi and c + di.

11 månader ago


Bleed non-zeros to the right using REGEXP, and that sort of cheatcodess...
This one is quite similar to <>. But thi...

11 månader ago


Conta Consoantes
Dada uma string A, retorne a quantidade de consoantes de A; ContaConsoantes('Hello World') = 7;

11 månader ago


Calculo das raizes com Bhaskara
Dado três valores a, b e c. Calcule as raizes da equação ax² + bx + c = 0 * para raizes reais, deve ser arrendondado em 2 casas...

11 månader ago


Juros Compostos
Faça uma função que receba um capital inicial (C), uma taxa de juros a ser aplicada (i) e um tempo (t) para qual será aplicado o...

11 månader ago


Let S be a sequence of numbers Let Find for some , where and . Update - test suite cleaned up on 2-9-22

11 månader ago


Easy Sequences 23: Hat Guessing Game!
Consider the following Game Show: Hats, with numbers written on each, were placed on the heads of the participants. Participant...

11 månader ago


Find the standard deviation of an array
given an array, find it's standard deviation without using the std() function. Use sample formula (n-1) for standard deviation a...

11 månader ago


Find the sequence
Find the nth number of a sequence. Check the test suite to determine the sequence. * hint: it is closely related to familiar ...

11 månader ago


Determine if vector has any zeroes
Return 1 if vector has atleast 1 zero, else return 0

11 månader ago


Basic Operation with the middle number of odd matrix
# Take an odd matrix *like* 3-by-3 # Access the *middle element* of the matrix i.e in case of 3-by-3 matrix the index of the pa...

11 månader ago


balance vector
Given a non-empty vector x with integer elements. x shall be called balance vector if one can split the elements of x into two g...

11 månader ago


Create formatted value string Cell array of a vector
This Challenge is to create a cell array that contains strings of vector components in a given format. c=vector2formattedstri...

11 månader ago


Find distance travelled by an object starting from rest in time 't' and linear acceleration 'a' = 3t
Find distance travelled by an object starting from rest in time 't' with linear acceleration a = 3t. You are given time t as an ...

11 månader ago


Count trailing zeros in a primorial
< Cody Problem 44068...

11 månader ago


La derivada numérica
El concepto de pendiente o inclinación de una función recta es muy intuitivo para cualquier persona. Desde el punto de vista mat...

11 månader ago


Siren frequency and Doppler effect.
The Doppler effect is described on OpenStax University Physics at

11 månader ago


A Poker Hand
Texas Hold ‘Em is a classical card game. In this problem, we are concerned with determining the probability of attaining a certa...

11 månader ago


Singular Value Decomposition
Calculate the three matrices of the singular value decomposition (A = U*S*V^T) for each provided matrix. U and V are square unit...

11 månader ago

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