Detecting updated position of imellipse?
It looks like you are trying to get the position of the ellipse when you click and drag it interactively. The first example in t...

nästan 10 år ago | 0

Solving an Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation type /w nonlinear coefficients
I have attached some sample code which solves the 2D heat equation (with unit diffusivity) using the "ode45" approach. The solut...

mer än 10 år ago | 1

Solving an Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation type /w nonlinear coefficients
You have the right idea to use "parabolic" to solve your PDE, however, the terms cannot be manipulated into the format necessary...

mer än 10 år ago | 1

How to set custom boundary conditions in the PDE Toolbox?
It is my understanding that you would like to specify image data as the initial condition to a time-dependent PDE. You can do...

mer än 10 år ago | 0