
Tiling a matrix
Given a matrix and a number of columns, replicate matrix in a single row

nästan 8 år ago


Find Out sum of principal diagonal element of given matrix
Find out sum of principal diagonal element of given matrix If A=[1 0 0; 0 1 0;0 0 1], then answer must be 3.

nästan 8 år ago


Sort the vector with the given index
Given x = [1 2 4 8 17] and t = [1 3 2 5 4] then y = [1 4 2 17 8].

nästan 8 år ago


Basic commands - What platform are you using?
Please ask matlab waht platform are you using.

nästan 8 år ago


Basic commands - Which licence do you use?
Please ask Matlab which license do you have on computer. Interesting fact: Pay attention what number of license has Cody. ...

nästan 8 år ago


Basic commands - Left division matrix
Please write a function which will left division of A,B Pay attention this is right division: A/B

nästan 8 år ago


Basic commands - Excuse me, what time is it?
Please write a function, which will return current hours and minutes, please notice we are using 24h time. Return a vector li...

nästan 8 år ago


My Problem, Find the square of the horizontal concatenation of the third and fifth elements of a vector.
given the 1x5 vector x, y must be the square of the horizontal concatenation of the third and fifth elements. So, if x = [1 1 1 ...

nästan 8 år ago


Values in Array
How many values are in the array

nästan 8 år ago


the number of inputs
Find the number of the inputs of the function. example y = theinputnumber(x,k); function called theinputnumber has 2 in...

nästan 8 år ago


Find state names that start with the letter N
Given a list of US states, remove all the states that start with the letter N. If s1 = 'Alabama Montana Nebraska Vermont Ne...

nästan 8 år ago


What is the next step in Conway's Life?
Given a matrix A that represents the state of <'s_Game_of_Life Conway's game of Life> at one ...

nästan 8 år ago


Alphabetize by last name
Given a list of names in a cell array, sort the list by the last name. So if list = {'Barney Google','Snuffy Smith','Dagwood ...

nästan 8 år ago


Solution to Ax=b with singular A
Find solution to Ax=b problem if A is singular. Hint: Compute a minimum norm solution

nästan 8 år ago


Opposite task convert string hexadecimal numbers array into array of decimal numbers .
Opposite task convert string hexadecimal numbers array into array of decimal numbers . Example x=[ '208'; '209'; '20A'; ...

nästan 8 år ago


Logical array indexing - part 1
Given an array |A| of size |p x q| , return an array |Y| of the same size such that the following conditions are satisfied. (...

nästan 8 år ago


Opposite task convert binary numbers array into array of decimal numbers.
Opposite task convert binary numbers array into array of decimal numbers. Example x=[ 11001000 ; 11001001 ; 11001010 ...

nästan 8 år ago


Find the two-word state names
Given a list of states, remove all the states that have two-word names. If s1 = 'Alabama Montana North Carolina Vermont N...

nästan 8 år ago


Get the area codes from a list of phone numbers
Given a string of text with phone numbers in it, return a unique'd cell array of strings that are the area codes. s = '508-647...

nästan 8 år ago


Remove all the columns contains only zero
Remove the column from the matrix which has only zeros . Refer the Example below a= 1 0 3 0 23 0 56 0 1 ...

nästan 8 år ago


Create vector as shown in test cases
Create vector as shown in test cases

nästan 8 år ago


Number of nonzero elements in matrix
Calculate the number of nonzero elements for given matrix

nästan 8 år ago


Number of elements in matrix
Calculate the # of elements for given matrix

nästan 8 år ago


What do you get if you multiply six by nine?
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy based task.

nästan 8 år ago


Convert a struct object into a column vector. You can assume that the struct elements are scalars Example: a = struct();...

nästan 8 år ago


Solve the following system of equations.
x-2y+3z=7 2x+y+z=4 -3x+2y-2z=-10

nästan 8 år ago


Solve the system of equations.
_Ax=b_ * _A_ - square coefficient matrix * _b_ - right side column vector Find vecor _x_.

nästan 8 år ago


What does the "B" in Benoit B Mandelbrot stand for?

nästan 8 år ago


controllo uso funzioni

nästan 8 år ago


Calculate solution of given polynomial
For example, y=function([3 -2 -4]) In here, input vector indicate 3*x^2-2*x-4, y is solution of former equation. y=[1.5...

nästan 8 år ago

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