Does relative velocity vector lie on the line?
define a vector between the two points and check if the cross product of the delta velocity and the connection vector is 0. so i...

ungefär 7 år ago | 1

points too close XY space
assuming only neighboring points are of interest: % find close points, add first index because diff is one shorter than x ...

ungefär 7 år ago | 0

How can I count the occurrences of each element in a vector in MATLAB?
here is another one: sum(bsxfun(@eq,x,x'),1) or if you want the output to be the same orientation as input sum(bsxf...

ungefär 7 år ago | 3

matlab 2016a figure window incorrect position and size
If the problem still exists, just add this line to the startup.m in your startup directory or your userpath. set(0,'default...

mer än 7 år ago | 1

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Convert matrix to vector of structs
simpler without any external functions olderpatients = structfun(@(X) X(data.age>80),data,'Uni',false);

nästan 8 år ago | 1

How can I assign data from multiple spreadsheets to the same vector using one of the columns as the variable name?
I copied your example sheet to example.xlsx and tested the code below. Please Note the remarks, I would not recommend the use of...

nästan 8 år ago | 1

Why doesn't the quiver object property MaxHeadSize work?
Here's my findings... Testcode: function tst close all figure(3) clf; hold on for ii = 1:15 ...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

Merging 10 scatter plots produced with different RNG sequences
you can access the data of each plot by X=cell(10,1) Y=X for ii = 1:10 f = open('figure_ii.fig') % use the cor...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

Are there any predefined discrete color set with optimal neighboring contrasts?
have a look at this: <

mer än 8 år ago | 1

problem about plot 'x =2'
for Q1: figure;plot([2 2],[-1000 1000],'r')

mer än 8 år ago | 0


determine axes handle to which a legend belongs
Hi, pre 2014b I was able to use the following to get the axes handle to which a legend belongs figure; plot(sin(0:0.1...

mer än 8 år ago | 1 answer | 0




get plot handles from existing legend from 2014b on
On pre 2014b graphic handling the following code to retrieve the displayed strings and the handles of the referenced plot elemen...

mer än 8 år ago | 1 answer | 0



Hello, I have 50 text files and i want to pick same value from each having known row and column. there are 25 column and 5765 rows in my text files. Help me Please i m new in Matlab.
first of all: please note the rules for posting questions! bad title, "new to matlab" and so on... now my answer: hel...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

how to delete duplicate values in a cell array of characters
a={'1';'1';'1';'1';'1';'3';'3';'3';'3';'3';'3';'4';'4';'4';'4'}; [~,c,~]=unique(a); tmp=true(size(a)); tmp(c)=false; ...

mer än 8 år ago | 1

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How to find the second interesection between two plots?

mer än 9 år ago | 0

How to force Matlab to only plot some selected strings on the x-axis?
set(gca, 'XTick', 1:100:n, 'XTickLabel', dates(1:100:n,:));

mer än 9 år ago | 1

Helping adding Tittle to Plot (multititle)
title(['my title' var1 var2]) depending on the variable type, you may have to convert to string and add separators like white...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

How to not include an item in a legend
ok, here's the solution: you can tell legend() with which plot handle the legend entry is associated, by: clf; plot(rand...

mer än 9 år ago | 3

How to not include an item in a legend
you could add the data set with the black boxes at last and then only define 2 legend entries.

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Creating a three column table from matrix
Hi, because you want a string in your 4th column, you need a cell array. here's my q&d solution: A=rand(3,3); new = c...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

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How determine type of plot object?
here's the probably dirtiest code I've written so far, but does, what you want: % make an example plot with several classes...

ungefär 10 år ago | 0

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how to adress a single character in a chart axis title via Matlab COM/ActiveX
If I had known, how to use the get command properly, I would by then have known, that get(pplab,'Characters',n,1) gives me the h...

ungefär 10 år ago | 0

Add second y-axis to excel plot
hi anda, if you have data in your chart, that's supposed to be scaled to the secondary y-axis, just move the plot there, here...

ungefär 10 år ago | 0

how to adress a single character in a chart axis title via Matlab COM/ActiveX
Finally, I found a workaround! Here's an example str = 'foobar'; subscr = round(rand(length(str),1)); xls = actxserv...

ungefär 10 år ago | 0