
Odd times 3
Given a input matrix x, multiply all odd values by 3. Even values remain the same. example: x = [1 2 3 4 5;... 6 7...

mer än 5 år ago


Remove multiples of N
in the vector x remove all multiples of N. x = [1 2 3 4 5 6]; N = 2; Then y = [1 3 5];

mer än 5 år ago


This is a palindrome and so am I
A palindrome is a sequence of characters which reads the same backward or forward, for instance 'a man a plan a canal panama'...

mer än 5 år ago


Normalize by maximum
Subtract the maximum value in a column from the corresponding columns of a matrix.

mer än 5 år ago


Given a number N, find the smallest prime P>N
Given a number N, find the smallest prime P greater than N. For example: If N=10 then P=11. If N=13 then P=17.

mer än 5 år ago


Check if inputted variable is a string or a number
Check if a inputted variable is a number or a string, given a string input (i.e. '1' is 1 and thus a number, 'a' is a string).

mer än 5 år ago


Find parts of a circle.
Given radius (r) of a circle find the diameter (d), circumference (c), an area (a).

mer än 5 år ago


square of a number
find square of a given number

mer än 5 år ago


Calculating Ring Area
In two-dimensional space, a ring can be constructed by using two concentric circles. Determine the area of a ring which has r1 ...

mer än 5 år ago


How to Concatenate two strings?
How to Concatenate two strings?

mer än 5 år ago


Performance - summation
Given a vector of natural numbers x = [1,2,3,...,N] compute the sum of its elements by not stressing the machine too much...

mer än 5 år ago


free points
function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x(1)+x(2); end

mer än 5 år ago


Sum two real numbers
It seems easy, but... You cannot use +, -, plus, diff, cumsum, *, prod, times, etc.

mer än 5 år ago


Xor of matrix
you have to set exclusive OR of two arrays

mer än 5 år ago


I said now!

mer än 5 år ago


Determine given vector is even or odd
Find the numbers of the input vector is odd or even then replace even with 1 and odd with 0 Example x = [ 3 3 4 6 1] ...

mer än 5 år ago


Temperature question
get the celcius

mer än 5 år ago


Calculate the CIRCUMFERENCE of circle.
Given the radius is 2, the circumference will be 12.5663.

mer än 5 år ago


Odd row
Create a row 'y' with odd numbers where the potential maximum number is given by 'x' and the space between them by 'm'. The firs...

mer än 5 år ago


calculate PI without using pi function
There are many methods to get the pi(Ratio of circumference to diameter). You should get pi without using the pi function in M...

mer än 5 år ago


Replace all odd numbers with NaN
Replace all odd numbers in the vector or matrix with NaN. For example, if x = [1 3 4 5 8 11]; then return y = [NaN Na...

mer än 5 år ago


Percentage profit:2
If you are selling at x dollar, you are facing r1% profit; what will be the selling price for making r2% profit?

mer än 5 år ago


Free-time Equation
Given a 7-day week, an *_nc_* -number of *_tc_* -hour classes, *_ta_* -hours awake in a day, and *_tw_* -hours that you work in ...

mer än 5 år ago


Rescaling vector
Rescale the entries of a vector x so that it spams [a,b]. The new values should be linearly stretched into the new range. _Ex...

mer än 5 år ago


square root
Find square root of given number

mer än 5 år ago


Combine the digits to output numbers
input could be of any length e.g. 1. in1 = 1 in2 = 2 output = 12 2. in1 = 2 in2 = 1 in3 = 0 output = 210

mer än 5 år ago


Find Euclidean norm of given vector u.
Find Euclidean norm of given vector u. Example x=[1 1] result=sqrt(1^2+1^2...

mer än 5 år ago


Remove all the columns contains only zero
Remove the column from the matrix which has only zeros . Refer the Example below a= 1 0 3 0 23 0 56 0 1 ...

mer än 5 år ago


What digit is it?
The function you are being asked to write will take three numbers (n,x,q) as input. The object of the function is to determine ...

mer än 5 år ago


Replace values out of an interval with the lower or upper values
For a vector or matrix X and an interval [n1,n2], the function replace every element of x inferior to n1 by n1, and every elemen...

mer än 5 år ago

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