
Leap Year
According to Gregorian Calender(which is in use now, in many countries),decide whether a given year is a leap year or not. Give...

nästan 2 år ago


Stress-Strain Properties - 3
A brittle material will not exhibit a yield point. In other words, the yield point and failure point coincide. In such cases, th...

nästan 2 år ago


Stress-Strain Properties - 2
The resilience of a material is its ability to resist permanent (or plastic) deformation. The resilience coincides with the elas...

nästan 2 år ago


Stress-Strain Properties - 1
This is the first in a series of problems regarding mechanics of materials, in particular, material properties drawn from stress...

nästan 2 år ago


Square root of number
Square root of given number.

nästan 2 år ago


determine the sum of the squares
if x = 4, the solution will be: y = 1^2+2^2+3^2+4^2=1+4+9+16 = 30.

nästan 2 år ago


Calculate the base-10 logarithm of a number
Calculate the logarithm of number x

nästan 2 år ago


Length of shortest path in a directed graph.
Given a directed graph and a start and end node in the graph, return the minimum number of hops required to reach the end node f...

nästan 2 år ago


Cosine effect in solar power towers

nästan 2 år ago


Orientation of a 3D coordinate frame
The orientation of a body-fixed frame {B} with respect to the world frame {W} is described by an SO(3) rotation matrix. Compute...

nästan 2 år ago


Calculating Student Grades
The matrix grades contains raw grades for 7 students who took your course. Each row represents a different student. The first 7 ...

nästan 2 år ago


Determine if x is a combination of m and n
Given positive integers x, m, and n, determine if x can be written as x = am + bn for any (non-negative) integers a and b. Your ...

nästan 2 år ago


Dog Statistics
The vectors ht and wt contains the heights and weights of 20 golden retrievers. In some cases, it was not possible to make both ...

nästan 2 år ago


PEMDAS test (★★)
Create the function that will return the following expression for x and y. <<>> ...

nästan 2 år ago


Swap the first and last columns (★★)
(copy of Prob 19) Flip the outermost columns of matrix A, so that the first column becomes the last and the last column becom...

nästan 2 år ago


Column Removal (★★★)
(copy of prob 7) Remove the nth column from input matrix A and return the resulting matrix in output B. So if A = [1 2...

nästan 2 år ago


Select every other element of a vector (★★)
(copy of prob 6) Write a function which returns every other element of the vector passed in. That is, it returns the all odd-...

nästan 2 år ago


Create a vector of n alternating ones and zeros (★★)
Given n, your output should be a vector y of numbers such that the first number is 1 and the numbers following it alternate betw...

nästan 2 år ago


Create an arrow matrix
An arrow matrix is a square matrix that contains ones on the diagonal, the last column, and last row. ...

nästan 2 år ago


Simpson's Paradox - Calculate correlation coefficients for groups of data
Simpson's Paradox is a statistical phenomenon where groups of data can have a characteristic while the whole data set together h...

nästan 2 år ago


Find the minimum of the column-maximums of a matrix
Given a matrix A, find the maximum value of each column, then return the smallest of those maximum values (ie return the minimum...

nästan 2 år ago


Calculate the mean of each half of a matrix
Given a matrix with an even number of columns, n, return a 1-by-2 row vector where the first element is the mean of all the elem...

nästan 2 år ago


Find Closest Constant
Given a number x, return the value that is closest to x from this list of constants: 0, 1, , e, , (also known as ). For exampl...

nästan 2 år ago


Matrix Quadrants
Write a function that takes N as the input, and outputs a matrix whose upper-left (NxN) quadrant contains all ones, the lower-ri...

nästan 2 år ago


Given the speed in miles per second, find the speed in miles per hour.

nästan 2 år ago


The great 82-year-old
Let's answer the question below; 'I am *x* years old and I have never written programs. If I study from now, will I be able ...

nästan 2 år ago


Create a vector with n repeated values of a number x (★★)
If x=3 and n=7 then the vector y would be y=[3 3 3 3 3 3 3]

nästan 2 år ago


Generate n equally spaced "intervals" between -x and x (★)
Given n and x, return a list of numbers (in ascending order) that divides the interval [-x x] into n equal-length intervals. ...

nästan 2 år ago


Check whether the given angle is between zero and pi. Return logical true or false.

nästan 2 år ago


Divide pi
Divide pi by x!

nästan 2 år ago

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