
Vector of digits (★★)
Given a positive integer x, construct a vector y with all the digits of x in the order of appearance in x. Thus, if x = 172...

nästan 2 år ago


Find Sum of array

nästan 2 år ago


Global usage
This Challenge is to utilize Global variables. Global variables are risky as the subroutine may inadvertently and unwantingly...

nästan 2 år ago


Pad zero between every adjacent values of the vector.
you are given a vector x. you have to make an output vector y with zeros padded between every adjacent values of x. e.g x: ...

nästan 2 år ago


Legend of Zelda - Rupee Count (Compact)
Building off of < Problem 3025>, suppose that Link's...

nästan 2 år ago


* Suppose there is a vector v like [1 0 0 -1], representing polynomial coefficients. * In this example, the polynimial is 1*x^3...

nästan 2 år ago


Method of Common Differences part-1
Use the method of common differences to output a vector containing the initial values and the nth order difference. ex ...

nästan 2 år ago


Low level NaN
* I have a dataset. Columns represents different variables. * A variable may start with NaN or any double type number. * If i...

nästan 2 år ago


calculate interest saved because of reduction of interest rate
calculate interest saved because of a reduction of interest rate per year (Assuming No leap year) Currently, in India, rate o...

nästan 2 år ago


Maximum of ND-array
Find the maximum element of a N dimensional array. Example: A=[1 2 4 ; -20 4 10]; The maximum is 10.

nästan 2 år ago


Given the radius of the circle inscribed in a square, find the area that is not bounded by the circle but inside the square. ...

nästan 2 år ago


Automatic String Editing
In this function, you will take an incoming string, and output the same string with each character one letter later in the alpha...

nästan 2 år ago


Round to Nearest Multiple of 10^n

nästan 2 år ago


Compute the harmonic numbers
The nth < harmonic number> is defined as the sum of the reciprocals of the inte...

nästan 2 år ago


Volume of Equilateral Triangle Prism
Find volume of equilateral triangle prism x = side of triangle l = length of prism

nästan 2 år ago


I told you not separate me, but you did :( - ACDC
Given input vector, output it's DC and AC value Example: input = 0 1 -1 0 ac = 0 1 -1 0 dc = 0

nästan 2 år ago


Removing vibration!
There are [y] that vary with [x] but y including small useless vibration. x=1:10 y=[1.71 2.03 3.28 4.05 5.10 6.82 7.69 8.3...

nästan 2 år ago


Swap rows

nästan 2 år ago


Dot Product

nästan 2 år ago


Numeric array to cell array of strings (easy)
Given a numeric array (A) and a 1xk cell array of strings (C), return a cell array (B) that is the same size as A and in which e...

nästan 2 år ago


Pull the variable y_correct from the Caller's Workspace
*Description* This highlights a very easy to use and high-scoring cheat that can be used on almost all Cody questions.

nästan 2 år ago


Scrabble Scores - 2
An < introductory Cody problem> asks the user to score a...

nästan 2 år ago


Friday or not
I love Friday. Please tell me whether the day is Friday. Dateformat is 'yyyy-mm-dd' or 'dd-mmm-yyyy' or 'mm/dd/yyyy'. Exa...

nästan 2 år ago


Calculate feeling temperature before climbing a mountain
I sometimes climb a mountain. As is well known, when the altitude becomes 100 (m) higher, the temperature lowers by 0.6 degrees...

nästan 2 år ago


Check if number is a square number
Test if integer i is a square number. Return logical true if it is.

nästan 2 år ago


normalize group of numbers to integers
Hi guys! I have a group of 4 numbers x,y,z,w which comes from 4 integers multiplied with a common factor. [x,y,z,w] = c [i,j,k,...

nästan 2 år ago


Odd times even numbers in a matrix
First count the number of odd numbers in x, then the number of even. Return their product. example: x = [1 2] One odd ...

nästan 2 år ago


Replace x value into y value in string text.
Replace x value into y value in string text. Example text='Hello World' x='World', y='Universe' result='Hello Universe'.

nästan 2 år ago


Solve t^(a*x^2+b*x+c)=s
Solve t^(a*x^2+b*x+c)=s. Return x vector as result. Example a=1, b=2, c=1, t=3, s=15. Result x(1)= 0.5700 x(2)=-2.5700 H...

nästan 2 år ago


Convert Angstrom to Meters
Write a code that converts the angstrom unit to meters.(A is angstrom and m is meters.)

nästan 2 år ago

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