
remove every row&col for every nan
for a given matrix, remove the row and column of every nan. Example x=[1 2 NaN 4 5 6 7 8 ...

nästan 2 år ago


Squares of odd numbers upto a given range
Find the squares of odd numbers upto a given range. If Given x=6 return y=(1^2,3^2,5^2) y=1,9,25 If Given x=5 retu...

nästan 2 år ago


Get the combinations
Consider p,q = 2 vectors of same or different length. Get a Output Array which has all the possible combinations of Elements o...

nästan 2 år ago


Find The Difference
Vector x is given.calculate the difference between the biggest and the smallest number that we can create from elements of x. f...

nästan 2 år ago


Find unique number in input
Find value that occurs in odd number of input elements.

nästan 2 år ago


Matrix diagonalization
You will be given Two matrices A and B. Return 1 if B is the diagonal matrix of A, 0 otherwise

nästan 2 år ago


MATLAB Basics: Complex Argument
For a given complex number, x, return the argument, y, in degrees.

nästan 2 år ago


Matrix Indexing
Given a matrix A and scalars r,c,i, find the product of two elements, with the first element located at row r and column c (doub...

nästan 2 år ago


Angular Velocity

nästan 2 år ago


Map all the indices of an Array Indices into a Vector giving Index vs Row and Column
Create an array of the row and column values for the indices of an array. This is typically performed using [r c]=ind2sub(siz...

nästan 2 år ago


generate the matrix
given a value n (say 4) - generate the matrix like below y= [0 1 2 3 4; -1 0 1 2 ...

nästan 2 år ago


Double the length of the vector

nästan 2 år ago


Ratio between sums of prime and non-prime numbers
Write a function that calculates the ratio between the sum of the prime numbers lower or equal than x, and the sum of the non-pr...

nästan 2 år ago


Sort the prime numbers in each row of a matrix
Considering a 3x3 matrix A, sort the prime numbers of each row in ascending order. For exemple: input A=[5 8 2 4; ...

nästan 2 år ago


Compound interest - number e
A moneylender wants to receive his annual interest of 12% more frequently. If he receives his interest rate every six months,...

nästan 2 år ago


Matrix indexing with two vectors of indices (★★)
(copy of Prob 589) Given a matrix M and two index vectors a and b, return a row vector x where x(i) = M(a(i),b(i)). Thus, if...

nästan 2 år ago


Calculate the volume of a cone
Calculate the volume of a cone given an array containing one column of radii and one column of the height of the cone. * Reme...

nästan 2 år ago


Basic matlab numeric and string manipulations
If entered input (n) is _numeric_ , compute its *log to the base (n+2)* , if it is a _lower case_ alphabet, *convert it to i...

nästan 2 år ago


Distance Between Points
Being n the number of points (If n = 3 there would be 3 points: A, B and C). The distance between each pair of points increases...

nästan 2 år ago


Create a magic square matrix for a given odd integer
A magic square of size 'N' is a matrix that satisfies the following criterias: # Dimension - NxN # Matrix should contain ALL...

nästan 2 år ago


basic finance application
i watch bloomberg everyday and i want to estimate a stock price stability, so i have to calculate the momentum & the rate of cha...

nästan 2 år ago


Unusual Concatenations
The sum of the squares of certain unusual integers is equal to the concatenation of their individual digits. For example: ...

nästan 2 år ago


Kurchan 5x5 - Optimal Score
Related to Problems 1646 and 2650, but bigger. Technically, all you need to do for this Cody problem is input a 5x5 matrix conta...

nästan 2 år ago


Set a Soroban Abacus
*Description* This problem is the inverse of < ...

nästan 2 år ago


MATLAB Basics: Complex Numbers
For a given complex number, x, return the real and imaginary parts as a vector, y = [Real Imaginary].

nästan 2 år ago


Sum multiples

nästan 2 år ago


Calculate Parallel Resistance
Three resistors connected in parallel have resistances R1, R 2, and R 3, respectively. Return the total resistance R total of ...

nästan 2 år ago


Resistance of a light bulb
The current through two identical light bulbs connected in series is C Amperes. The total voltage across both bulbs is V Volts....

nästan 2 år ago


reverse the order and combine a matrix

nästan 2 år ago

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