Stacked Bar and Legend Handles
I'll have a stab at: h1=bar(x1, y1, 'r', 'stack'); hg1=hggroup; set(h1,'Parent',hg1) hold all; h2=bar(x2, y2, 'b', 's...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Optimize the FOR loop
It seems what you're trying to is find the first instance of each value of x being less than each value of y. You can do this i...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

How can I save figures into structures?
hgsave(FigHandle,'Filename.mat') May be of interest

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

converting vector to matrix
doc reshape in this case: V1=reshape(V,3,3)

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

Adding up sizes of cell arrays
You've made sizeofCellArray a cell, but then treat it like a double: for j = 1:NumberOfClasses sizeOfCellArray(j,:) ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Record iterations of loop that has a constant numel
It's not entirely clear to me, but it looks like the variable num will have a length of 252. I think the best way would be to ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

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simple inequality check fails - why?
You have to split up the comparisons: e.g.: x > 0 & x < 1

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

Select multiple files in browser for conversion.
uigetfile({'*.pgm;*.bmp'}, 'Select image for conversion to *.bmp','MultiSelect','On') which will give you a cell array of...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Callback only works outside image on panel
You will need to set the image's Button Down Function, in the same way as for the panel.

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

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How to access and use specific data from a structure
You can avoid using a loop altogether: m=cellfun(@max,struct2cell(Graph));

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

converting structure array to xls file
The struct2cell function is probably what you need, though you'll have to dig through a bit as it only goes to the first level o...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

viewing the execution of a program
Have you looked at the echo function?

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

Question on function handles
Roughly speaking, f and h are handles to small functions- functions that have been made without having to actually write fu...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

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Not sending variable to workspace
You would have to do this inside a function, but is there anything to stop you from creating the structure without generating th...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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"H must be the handle to a figure or figure descendent" when updating handles.
It appears to be because of this line: if length(handles.amplitudeList)>5 && max(abs(handles.amplitudeList(end-5:end-1)- ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

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Changing color of a string in listbox - MATLAB GUI
You can do it with html- see <>

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

Creating an empty table matlab GUI
A=cell(3,1) will create an empty table.

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

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Plotting with a handle stored in a variable
you don't need to use the apostrophes, or even really the plotloc variable, you can just write plot(handles.smallgraph,x,y)...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

Zooming in on a graph / partitioning a data set
You could use ginput two or three times: the first ones to adjust the x and y limits around the point selected, and the last one...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Subplots with equal "nice" y-axes -- is there a function?
Once you've finished creating all the subplots (and you have the handles), you can set all of them at once by using : set(A...

mer än 12 år ago | 1

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??? In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.
I'm not entirely sure what the variables are, but you may be meaning to do an element-by-element divide, not a matrix divide: in...

mer än 12 år ago | 1

separating a part of plot from an original fft plot
you can use the greater than/ less than symbols to do this: say your frequency data is stored as X, and your FFT data is stored...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

Modify colorbar in .fig file
Try: caxis([0.1 0.7])

mer än 12 år ago | 1

Font of axis data and legends
Get the handle of the label, legend etc: Handle=xlabel(...) Then you can use set(Handle,'FontName',[name of font])

mer än 12 år ago | 0

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"Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals" Error... How to solve this!
the smallest value of i is 1, but you are assigning to an array by using i-2. So for the 2nd to last iteration of the loop you ...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

How to add a file location in Matlab
You can change the current directory (the folder Matlab is currently working in) using the cd function. e.g. cd C:\Tes...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

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