is it possible to mark significance levels using heatmap?
As far as I know, there is no built-in option to conditionally alter the heatmap data labels, but what you can do is create a he...

ungefär 2 månader ago | 2

readmatrix collapses blanks/NaNs, but I want to keep those empty cells
Use 'EmptyLineRule','read' to keep the lines that are all-NaN. Using only that option, all sample files are read correctly: ful...

ungefär 2 månader ago | 0

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How to remove some xticklabels (but still keeping all the xticks)?
x = 1:100; y = exp(-0.1*x); plot(x,y) ax = gca; ax.XTick = 0:10:100; ax.XTickLabels(1:4) = {''};

ungefär 2 månader ago | 1

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Suppressing braces and single quotes of a string matrix
C = { ... ['V1 = 1.01' char(8736) '0' char(176) ' pu']; ... ['V2 = 0.92675' char(8736) '-5.7691' char(176) ' pu']; ......

ungefär 2 månader ago | 0

Why does pcolor adds a flat lines during a data gap instead of white space?
load FPDO.mat load E_log.mat load T_.mat T_ = T_lepi; The problem is that T_ and E_log are not monotonic: figure subplot(2...

ungefär 2 månader ago | 0

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How to plot the continuous linear graph of y(n) + y(n-1) + ... + y(1)
y = [2 -1 1 2 -1 -2 -1 2 3 -2 1]; plot(0:numel(y)-1,cumsum(y),'.-')

ungefär 2 månader ago | 0

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How do I convert a symbolic expression to a string?
Here are a couple of options: syms x % the arbitrary expressions phi_1 = x; phi_2 = x^2; % example plot example = [1:1...

ungefär 2 månader ago | 1

Boxplot divided by color with combined labels
I gather that you want to have the boxes filled as in Alternative 1 and the x-ticks and labels as in Alternative 2. See if usin...

ungefär 2 månader ago | 1

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How to put a colorbar between the columns in tiledlayout?
One solution is to use nested tiledlayouts; in this case a 1x2 tiledlayout containing two 3x1 tiledlayouts. figSlices = figure(...

ungefär 2 månader ago | 0

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How do I add space between any specific word in string
str = 'double function_name(double name1, float name2, double name3)' newstr = strtrim(strrep(regexprep(str,'([\(\),])',' $1 ')...

2 månader ago | 0

Help organizing legend for bar graph
str is a column vector, so use semicolons (instead of commas) to append new elements str = [str;"went to patch 1 and found food...

2 månader ago | 0

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How to choose 60 unique coordinates ('A') from 600 coordinates('B'), nearest to 60 other coordinates('C')
C = rand(60,2); B = rand(600,2); [~,idx] = min(sum((permute(C,[1 3 2])-permute(B,[3 1 2])).^2,3),[],2); A = B(idx,:); fi...

2 månader ago | 0

I am unable to successfully pass data in a multiwindow app. Can someone help me understand where I am going wrong?
See if the attached updated mlapp files work the way you intend and the code makes sense.

2 månader ago | 0

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Changing the colours in heatmap for specific ranges in values
Here's one way: xvalues = {'0 cm','1 cm','5 cm','10 cm','15 cm','20 cm','24 cm','25.3 cm'}; yvalues = {'30 mm','25 mm','20 mm'...

2 månader ago | 0

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Use specific variable from index to plot answer of equation
If you want to calculate delta_rfO for all combinations of the specified values of T, Q, and Beta, you can permute (or transpose...

2 månader ago | 0

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Why do I receive error "Not enough input Argument"? Error in CreatePoints (line 7) plotPoints = linspace(lowValue, highValue, 5);
You need to provide inputs to the function when you run it, i.e., you cannot just click on the green Run button because that doe...

2 månader ago | 1

Help with 6.1.1: Array resizing: Removing elements. in Zybook
pendingTasks is passed as input to the RemoveTasks function, so you shouldn't redefine pendingTasks inside the function. That i...

2 månader ago | 1

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Find index of rows in tables with two conditions doesn't work using &&
Use & to operate on non-scalar arrays: indx = find(T.YPosNanometer == 0 & T.ZPosNanometer == 0)

2 månader ago | 0

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surface & colormap with "thermometer" map
Seems fine. N = 255; cmap = uint8([N*ones(1,N), N:-1:0; 0:N-1, N:-1:0; 0:N, N*ones(1,N)].'); figure z = peaks(200); surf(...

2 månader ago | 0

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Multiply different sized arrays by cycling smaller array
Perhaps one of these is what you describe: a = [1,2,3]; b = [4,5,6,7,8]; c = a.'.*b c = a.*b.' c = reshape(c,1,[])

2 månader ago | 0

Concatenating multiple struct fields into a single matrix or array but maintaining dimensions
For demonstration, first I create a similar struct, with 3 fields in A.B.C: N = 3; args = [compose('name%02d',1:N); permute(nu...

2 månader ago | 0

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Receiving Errors with this code
% Define range of PID gains to explore Kp_range = 0:0.1:5; Ki_range = 0:0.1:1; Kd_range = 0:0.1:0.5; % Define setpoint tem...

2 månader ago | 0

How to accelerate the running speed of this code?
Here's an approach that may or may not be faster (depending on the size of your array X) and may or may not run (depending on th...

2 månader ago | 0

Not able to use imread on images in subfolders
Take the first two outputs from uigetfile (the second output is the location of the selected file), and construct the full path ...

2 månader ago | 1

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Mean of selected range of a matrix based on a range of values from another matrix
load('data_my.mat') T = table(month,sa,ta,sig); % only sig 27.4 to 27.5 idx = sig >= 27.4 & sig < 27.5; G = groupsummary...

2 månader ago | 2

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MATLAB Giving "Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type" Error When Attempting To Use Subs Function
You have a period in the last line where you should have a comma. That is, "y1.z1" should be "y1,z1".

2 månader ago | 0

Mean values of matrix elements corresponding to increment of fixed column values
A = [0 1; 3 2; 1 3; 7 4; 2 5; 11 6]; dx = [0.5:2:6.5]; dy = groupsummary(A(:,1),discretize(A(:,2),dx),'mean')

2 månader ago | 0

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plotting two types of data on one graph
% Initialize data (example setup) data = randi([1 2], 20, 1000); % Replace with your actual data data(rand(20, 1000) < 0.1) = ...

2 månader ago | 0

Why the if loop are getting the exact values of the Kf_LMax values not the approximated values in the different phase of the Relative ligand Concentration?
prev_end = PhaseTimes(i - 1); That's the start of the previous phase, not the end of the previous phase. Using the previous ph...

2 månader ago | 0

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How to create a sequence of intervals
y=[2 -3 4 -1 6]; x=-4; intervalles=abs(x-y).*[-1;1]; Each column of intervalles contains one interval, accessed by ...

3 månader ago | 1

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