
Number to Scientific Prefix
Convert a numeric value to SI-prefixed text (aka engineering / metric prefix). Bonus: binary prefixes!

2 månader ago | 6 downloads |



Scientific Prefix to Number
Convert SI-prefixed text (aka engineering / metric prefix) into numeric values. Bonus: binary prefixes!

2 månader ago | 4 downloads |


Why does my function that should modify cells from an input return exactly the input every time?
This line: for j=size(p_cell,1) % y coord should be for j=1:size(p_cell,1) % y coord % ^^ After that you will need to f...

2 månader ago | 0

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Here is one approach using READCELL. It assumes that all data blocks are aligned, and then within each block: the 3rd cell of ...

2 månader ago | 0

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How to group number sequences in a vector
V1 = [1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,1,1,3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1]; R1 = sprintf('\3+\2+\1+'); [Xs,Xe] = regexp(char(V1),R1) Some values would requ...

2 månader ago | 1

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Not enough input arguments
Your function parameterisation is incorrect. This anonymous function: @(t,y,MAP,Nstep,xNOL)ActualmodelwithPinfinity(t,y,MAP(:,k...

2 månader ago | 0

how to convert a matlab variable name to a char for use in a title, legend, etc function(input_matrix) in_name = inputname(1); ... title(in_name) ...

2 månader ago | 0

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for loop for non integer values
It is usually much easier and clearer to loop over indices, rather than over data values: V = 1:0.5:10; E = nan(..); % preallo...

2 månader ago | 1

"Not enough input arguments" error when using fullfile
"I dont see how I dont have enough input arguments? " Very easily, when S1 is empty: S1 = dir('thisNameDoesNot*Exist') F1 = f...

2 månader ago | 0

Is griddedinterpolant omits NaN?
None of the pure interpolation routines will "omit" NaN values. NaN values will propagate from input to output, just as they sh...

3 månader ago | 0

I keep getting the "not enough inputs error" and I don't know how to fix it
"i get the " not enough input arguments " error pointing at the x(1) in the F(1) equation" That error is caused by the fact tha...

3 månader ago | 0

Trying to graph a function I made but it seems to only take the first x value.
Explanation The basic problem is that you wrote your function assuming only a scalar input: Fresnel(2) However you did not wr...

3 månader ago | 1

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Command findobj('Type','FunctionLine') produces error if used after fplot invoked with three arguments, fplot(X,Y,LIMITS) - 0×0 empty GraphicsPlaceholder array
A curve defined by a function of X and a function of Y is a parametric curve, so you would need to search for the corresponding ...

3 månader ago | 0

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Error while reading the .csv file
Explanation: As its documentation makes clear, the first input to FOPEN must be the fiename. However, instead of calling it with...

3 månader ago | 0

syntax of this line tmp = cellfun(@(tbl) tbl(:, cellstr(dataVariables(ct))), trainDataNormalized, 'UniformOutput', false);% in RUL tutorial
"I can't figure out what @(tbl) tbl is supposed to do , I didn't create neither a function or a variable with such a name, t...

3 månader ago | 0

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MatPlotLib Perceptually Uniform Colormaps
MatPlotLib's default perceptually uniform colormap VIRIDIS and distinctive line ColorOrder TAB10

3 månader ago | 85 downloads |


Why does converting categorical(0) to double add 1?
"Why, when converting "a" to double, does "a" become 1, when it was categorical(0) before?" It doesn't. Your comparison is not ...

3 månader ago | 0

unexpected response when trying to concatenate by row after accessing cell value
The MATLAB approach is to simply call VERTCAT instead of the concatenation operator: C = {[5,1];[4 1];[3 1];[2 1];[1 1]}; M = ...

3 månader ago | 0

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Read big file with mixed data types with datastore
ds = datastore('./*.txt', 'Type','tabulartext', 'NumHeaderLines',2, 'TextscanFormats',repmat("%f",1,5)); T = preview(ds)

3 månader ago | 0


Next Available Filename
Return the next unused filename, incrementing an integer as required.

3 månader ago | 8 downloads |


How to plot 4 Tiled plots with 2 x axis and 2 y axis in one figure
Do NOT call TILEDLAYOUT multiple times. Only call TILEDLAYOUT once. After that you call NEXTTILE for each plot. "I want to plo...

3 månader ago | 0

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Need to create an array that consists of 5 numbers found through a while loop
Take a look at this line: array.append = distance; You looks as if you are trying to write Python code. However, MATLAB does n...

3 månader ago | 0

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how do I save the entire workspace?

3 månader ago | 0

How do I merge two structs, where one field in the struct is itself a struct?
You can always use a loop and DIY: obj.Experiment = struct('Measurement',struct([])); useStructVar = true; % true = "Real-w...

3 månader ago | 0

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How to replace the missing values in cell array with previous ones?
C = load('data_imp.mat').cycles_check; C{1} = '01L'; C(cellfun(@isempty,C)) = {''}; C = fillmissing(C,'previous')

3 månader ago | 0

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How to extract numerical values from a text in an array or table?
No need for slow superfluous CELLFUN. Simpler and more efficient: C = {'xxx'; 'yyy 15 units'; '15-25 units'; 'zzz'}; D = str2d...

3 månader ago | 0

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Convert Python tuple output into MATLAB array
"The issue is that the double() function from MATLAB does not convert the tuple into a double array" No, the issue is actually ...

3 månader ago | 0

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Merging uniform boxes into larger ones
You could download this FEX submssion: and use ...

3 månader ago | 1

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Operator '+' is not supported for operands of type 'function_handle'.
"Is there something wrong with this code?" You are calling PLUS on the function handle LAP. Function handles are not numbers, ...

3 månader ago | 1

When the histcounts function is used, data that was not in the original data appears
"My data ecg_filterpeak_index is incremented." Nope, your data are not monotonically increasing. "The first value of ecg_peak_...

3 månader ago | 0

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