How can I mark the central point in annotate box
I=imread(''); imshow(I) figure colormap gray ...

9 månader ago | 0

Regression function NaN r values
A = importdata("Fundicion_gris.txt"); B = importdata("Acero_embuticion.txt"); sigma_mpa_embuticion =, 1); epsilon_l_...

9 månader ago | 0

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Error using matlab.internal.math.interp1, Sample points must be unique.
As the follow on comment above shows, you can safely ignore the duplicate points and retain the original function -- use [~,iu]...

9 månader ago | 0

Streamlining of zeroing out last 2 bits of fixed 16 bit number?
I have no knowledge of how Fixed-Point Designer stores stuff, but can you not do something like x=bitand(x,0xFFFC) ?

9 månader ago | 1

Is it possible to use gscatter in matlab app designer?
Works with R2021b; I do not know at what release the support for uiaxes was introduced; used to be able to get to the doc for ...

9 månader ago | 0

Is "Undocumented Secrets of MATLAB Java Programming" by Yair Altman still up to date?
<Mathworks is abandoning Java>, going forward, <Java will be just another external language>. There's no incentive to go down t...

9 månader ago | 0

Could someone please assist me? My code for the buck-boost converter controller isn't working properly when I run it.
<We already told you> this was going to be a problem but you didn't pay attention... if inputVoltage == 0.3 || inputVoltage == ...

9 månader ago | 0

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How do I extract the audiodata from a struct that I got from dir(fullfile.....
"how do I get the audiodata from within the struct that is created by dir(..." See dir documentation; dir() doesn't return file...

9 månader ago | 2

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extracting rows of data
% % Find the indices within the specified range % indices = (data(:, 1) >= minVoltage) & (data(:, 1) <= maxVoltage); % % Extra...

9 månader ago | 1

How to iterate through a cell array and link elements in particle tracking?
I don't have time at the moment to attack in earnest, but I'd probably start by simplifying and instead of trying to make it all...

9 månader ago | 0

Hello, if you have a moment, I could use your help in resolving this error.
inputVoltage=0.3; [q1, q2, q3, q4]=buckBoostControl(inputVoltage) function [q1, q2, q3, q4] = buckBoostControl(inputVoltage, ~...

9 månader ago | 1

Error Exporting Table Using Parquetwrite (multidimensional array)
parquetwrite load gTruth for i=1:height(gTruth), gTruth.Apple(i)={gTruth.Apple{i}(:)};end parquetwrite('test.parq',gTruth) t...

9 månader ago | 0

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how to fix this error ?
Well, you'll have to understand the role of the adjacency matrix in Algorithm 2 in the following paper: R. Shafipour, A. Khodab...

9 månader ago | 0

Plot multiple columns of table with datetime
Use a @doc:timetable instead and then geth stackedplot for free that does it all for you. Use the target figure/panel to place ...

9 månader ago | 0

HOW TO MAKE THE nan VALUE DISAPPEAR from my extraction, I also like someone to help me make a dynamic figure representing the evolution of the wind per day.
unzip('') d=dir('w*.nc'); info=ncinfo(d(1).name); info.Variables(:).Name t=ncread(d(1).name,'time'); Wind=ncread(d...

9 månader ago | 0

How do I get ply file imports using App designer
% Button pushed function: Button function ButtonPushed(app, event) [f,d]=uigetfile('*.ply','Get PLY File'); ...

9 månader ago | 0

I'm new to MATLAB GUI and want to ask for help
The problem running the function is that it expects there to be an already-existing .fig file that you didn't download with the ...

9 månader ago | 0

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How to clear Panel of contents (Axes)
delete the objects desired using their handles

9 månader ago | 0

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App designer - adding tag to objects
"..., when I add a text area, MATLAB gives the name TextArea by default to the obejct and I am not able to change it." Ah, but ...

9 månader ago | 0

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Save in App designer text area value not as .txt, .dat, or .csv file - Matlab
Follow the instructions, Luke! <VBG> See rest of named-value pairs at <writecell> writecell(app.XYZfilecontentTextArea.Value, ...

9 månader ago | 1

Join tables based on times that are within 3 hours of each other
A = table(["AAA"; "BBB"; "BBB"; "CCC"; "CCC"; "CCC"], ... [datetime('2023-07-07 10:55:19'); datetime('2023-07-28 09:31:00')...

9 månader ago | 1

Add multi-row data to App Designer Text Area
You can do it by putting every record into a new line in a string array, but it will be a pain to deal with. T=join(string(resh...

9 månader ago | 2

How to convert quarterly data into monthly and merge together
Your described process, while it would work, is going "'round Robin Hood's barn" to get there. Use a timetable and retime and i...

9 månader ago | 0

how to plot a time series from row 1000 to 3000
d=dir('*bus*.mat'); load(,'Id_6') whos head(Id_6) ix=(Id_6.Time>=0.1)&(Id_6.Time<=0.3); plot3(Id_6.Data(ix,1), Id_6.D...

9 månader ago | 1

My .mat files contains data tested on a vehicle which includes latitudes, longitudes, speed etc.
load yourfile.mat plot(Signal_82,Signal_81) just maybe????

9 månader ago | 1

Import data from file
If the need is just the timeseries data at the end and not the header stuff, then it gets easier... d=dir('*.txt'); l=readline...

9 månader ago | 0

reduce resolution of an MRI image
newimage=rescale(newimage,0,max(oldimage,'all')); maybe???

9 månader ago | 0

Getting average for a range of data on a plot. Not entire range, only for a section.
"... the data is from a wind tunnel analysis and each step is when the frequency of the fan changes. ..." So, you didn't record...

9 månader ago | 0

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How to fix error: Error using logical Conversion to logical from table is not possible?
Well, all you've shown us is a file name in a folder that contains that text string; one presumes you would then have to also lo...

10 månader ago | 0

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Overwriteing select values in multidimensional array
You're just making it harder than it is... tmp1 = (rand(5,5,5)-.5)*10; loc1 = tmp1 > 0; tmp1(loc1)=123456; % Use the fo...

10 månader ago | 0

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