Anybody can help me to plot a sand rose diagram?
% Your DP values for each of the 16 directional bins dp_values = [/* your DP values here */]; % Your RDD value rdd_value = ...

11 månader ago | 1

use rgb to caculate three brown ratio
image = imread('sample.jpeg'); % Load the image image_double = im2double(image); % Convert to double precision floating point ...

11 månader ago | 0

Estimate the psd of a signal
% Constants and Signal Definition Fs = 1000; % Sampling frequency in Hz duracion = 1; % Duration in seconds N = Fs * duracion...

11 månader ago | 0

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normal distributed numbers around a specific value
Using normrnd (if you have the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) % Parameters mu = 50; % Mean (the specific value aroun...

11 månader ago | 0

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How can I analyze the sum and product together in a code?
An initial Idea: % Assuming the Excel file is named 'alpha_values.xlsx' and the values are in the first column alpha = xlsread...

11 månader ago | 0

How to multiply matrices randomly?
% Parameters d1 = 258e-9; % meters n1 = 1.45; d2 = 163e-9; % meters n2 = 2.3; totalLength = 200e-6; % meters layerCount = ...

12 månader ago | 0

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Fourier Series Curve Fitting and giving its coefficient with respect to eqaution
An initial idea: % Corrected initialization of x and y arrays with multiline syntax x = [0.015404238, 0.027389034, 0.03937383,...

12 månader ago | 0

str2num sending figures to printer, is there an alternative?
% Example text line that might be read from your file textLine = 'The result is 42 and not 43.5 or any other number like -1.23e...

12 månader ago | 0

index exceeds array bounds
load('data') % Assuming 'data' is your matrix % Find rows with any zero element rowsWithZero = any(data == 0, 2); % Remo...

12 månader ago | 0

how can I plot
sigma_0 = 2; r = 1:0.1:2; % Range of r theta_deg = [0, 90, 180, 270]; % Angles in degrees theta_rad = deg2rad(theta_deg); % C...

12 månader ago | 0

How do I plot a function up to a certain value and start another function at that value for the same plot?
% Calculations for tilting ONLY AC = 2.125; Fc = 8130.0375; BD = 2; A = 0.03^2 * pi; % Varying angles a = 0:45; % Angle...

12 månader ago | 1

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How to replace elements in part of a matrix that meet a certain criteria?
% Assuming A is your sparse matrix and 'rows' is the 1D array of row indices you're interested in [rowIdx, colIdx, values] = fi...

12 månader ago | 0

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for-loop from an if-statement
% Prompt the user to enter the number of grades N = input('Enter the number of grades you want to classify: '); % Initialize...

12 månader ago | 1

Plot the same data once normalized values on the left y-axis and once with units on the right ; the same for bottom and top x-axis
% Sample Data c = [2.88 1.27 100780000.00 44526000.00; 2.88 1.27 100860000.00 44561000.00; 2.89 1.28 100940000.00 44599000.00; ...

12 månader ago | 0

If statements and strcmp function
angle = input('Enter an angle: '); units = input('Is it in degrees or radians? ', 's'); % Normalize the case of the user inp...

12 månader ago | 1

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Why does the fft function cut in half the amplitude of my signal?
N = numel(data); freq = [0:N-1] / N * dq.Rate; X = fft(data); % Apply the window correction if you used a window function ...

12 månader ago | 2

graph the parametric surfaces
% Define the parametric surface function r(u,v) r = @(u,v) [u.*v, u.*v.^(-2); u.*v.^(-2), u.^(-2) - v.^(-2)]; % Define the r...

12 månader ago | 1

error in 3d plotting.
% Define the ODE function according to your problem statement. % It's important to ensure that this function correctly models t...

12 månader ago | 0

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function calling in Matlab visualization in ThingSpeak
% Main script for MATLAB Visualization % This could be any code that reads and processes data from your ThingSpeak channel %...

12 månader ago | 1

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How can I replace data on the axis to become u horizontal and y vertical?
y = 0:0.01:5; t1=0.1; t2=3; t3=5; t4=10; nu = 5; u0=1; figure(1) hold on u1 = u0.*erfc(y./2.*sqrt(nu*t1)); u2 = u0.*erfc(...

12 månader ago | 0

Opening .m Files on Linux
1. Create a MATLAB .desktop File First, check if a MATLAB .desktop file already exists in /usr/share/applications/ or ~/.local/...

12 månader ago | 2

how can i find matrix spectral decomposition in matlab
If you can't get access to the Control System Toolbox, you can manually perform spectral decomposition for a 2x2 matrix like H =...

12 månader ago | 0

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how can we do a fourier transform of continuos elliptical slip distribution?
% Define parameters Lx = 100; % Length of the fault in x-direction Nx = 512; % Number of points in x-direction A = 1; ...

12 månader ago | 0


Find the maximum number of decimal places in a set of numbers
Given a vector or matrix of values, calculate the maximum number of decimal places within the input. Trailing zeros do not count...

12 månader ago

How to speed up pcolor and waterfall for large arrays?
Initial concept: originalData = rand(32000, 1000); % Example large dataset factor = 10; % Downsampling factor % Downsamplin...

12 månader ago | 0

I am trying to solve the following problem and got stuck if you can give some guidance
Looks like a MATLAB Cody Problem. One of the many approaches that may exist: x = [1.000 1.04 0.22 10.1; 2.05 2.33 4.1 1000.3...

12 månader ago | 1

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what does eps(x) do ?
The function eps in MATLAB, which stands for epsilon, is used to determine the relative accuracy of the floating-point arithmeti...

12 månader ago | 3

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Problem with Simscape Onramp
@Leo MathWorks Support Team(@MathWorks Support Team) will be able to help. Better to let them know. ---------------------------...

12 månader ago | 1

MATLAB does not run on new iMAC
@Solke Bruin Do a fresh install(re-install) of MATLAB. ------------------------------------------------------------------------...

12 månader ago | 0

why i got this error when i want to use GPU to accelerate the simulation?
Verify the MinGW version compatability with GPU Code Generation. --------------------------------------------------------------...

ungefär ett år ago | 0

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