How to find projection matrix
Hi Dhinesh, I understand that you are trying to solve a linear equation system to find a projection matrix P and then use it to...

2 månader ago | 0

How to calculate correlation between two distance matrices?
Hi Magdalena, I understand that you are trying to find a correlation between two distance matrices. For a concise approach usin...

2 månader ago | 1

| accepted

Using equationsToMatrix( ) with symbolic variables representing derivatives
Hi Matthew, I understand that you are trying to represent the higher order differential equations in a matrix form. Based on th...

2 månader ago | 0

using conditional probability in matlab
Hi Giacomo, I understand that you intend to calculate the conditional probability of the given expression using MATLAB. Please...

2 månader ago | 0

Maximize f(x,y) = -x sin(4x)- 1.1y sin(2y) +1 with constraints 8≤x≤10; 10≤y≤13; x+y≤22 by writing a genetic algorithm.
Hi Shameika I understand that you are trying to fit the given two varoable function subject to constraints in MATLAB. I recomme...

2 månader ago | 0

Rectangle packing function: Fit small rectangles in one big rectangle
Hi Dora, I understand that you want to calculate the number of smaller rectangles that can fit in a given large rectangle using...

2 månader ago | 0

Parallelization is not working in Matlab
Hi Chang Seok, I understand that you intend to parallelize your MATLAB code to enhance its performance, particularly by utilizi...

2 månader ago | 0

interp2 after rotation around the z-axis
Hi Sahar, I understand that you intend to apply a 2D rotation around the y and z coordinate systems to your matrices, which inc...

2 månader ago | 0

Understanding implicit surface plot behavior
Hi Matt, Your observations touch on how MATLAB handles the rendering of implicit functions and the effects of axis scaling on g...

2 månader ago | 0

Using a sparse matrix for ill-conditioned matrix
Hi Omar, I understand that you want to address the issue of a high condition number in your Jacobian matrix by using a sparse m...

2 månader ago | 0

lsqnonlin-surface plot
Hi Malgorzata, I understand that you want to visualize the optimization landscape of your system of two differential equations ...

2 månader ago | 0

Hi Willian, I understand that you are want to plot the average as well as the linear trend of a given set of data points. I ass...

2 månader ago | 0

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I can't hold a lot graphs in an axes
Hi Alvaro, I understand that you have plotted four plots using "axes" in MATLAB but are unable to see all four plots in the gra...

3 månader ago | 0

fmincon fails when I increase the lower and upper bounds
Hi Gekkouga, I understand that you are facing an "infeasible solution" error while using the "fmincon" function in MATLAB. Bas...

3 månader ago | 0

How i implement Backward Difference Formula Method from general code ?
Hi Hazel, I understand that you want to adapt the given backward difference formula general code for the listed set of equation...

3 månader ago | 0

Why do i met converged to an infeasible point
Hi Tsam, I understand that you are facing an "infeasible point" error while doing power flow optimization using "fmincon" in MA...

3 månader ago | 0

How to find closed form solution involving a sum over sample data
Hi Jan, I understand that you want to get the closed form solution of the given summation (the likelihood function) in MATLAB. ...

3 månader ago | 0

going from explicit Euler code to midpoint method.
Hi Aleily, I understand that you intend to modify your existing code to implement the "midpoint" Euler method, also known as th...

3 månader ago | 0

How to calculate partial area under the curve from an excel sheet and automate it for 100s of excel sheets.
Hi Soumya, I understand that you want to calculate the area under the curve for a plot depicted by empirical samples. I also u...

3 månader ago | 0

Using lsqcurvefit with 2 input vectors
Hi Davneet, I understand that you are trying to perform an exponential decay fit to your dataset using MATLAB's lsqcurvefit fun...

3 månader ago | 0

Trying to find the Lagrange's mean value theorom constant
Hi Soham, I understand that you intend to find the constant "c" in Lagrange's mean value theorem given an equation using MATLAB...

3 månader ago | 0

Finding Jacobian matrix for a similar set of equations
Hi Parthsarthi, I understand that you want to generalize a system of equations with different orders in a matrix to find the ro...

3 månader ago | 0

Problems with making Puzzle 8 with A* Search in Matlab
Hi Sergio, I understand that you want to implement a 8-Puzzle solver with A* heuristic search. As mentioned by you, the shared ...

3 månader ago | 0

Different graphs returned for the same functions
Hi Janco, I understand that you intend to know why the two MATLAB codes produce different plots. After a scrupulous look at bo...

3 månader ago | 0

Plot 1D data of electromagnetics simulation
Hi, I understand that you intend to plot a one dimensional data on a 3D plane in MATLAB as shown in the attached figure. I ass...

3 månader ago | 0

Gaussian Mixture Model - not working
Hi Giuseppe, I understand that you are getting a different plot for the mentioned Gaussian mixture model than expected. Howeve...

3 månader ago | 0

Load/save python list of list with MATLAB
Hi Yuxin, I understand that you are facing an error while using Python's list of lists in MATLAB. I assume that the list data t...

3 månader ago | 0

Invalid expression. Check for missing multiplication operator, missing or unbalanced delimiters, or other syntax error.
Hi Jamyl, I understand that you are facing an error while running the shared code snippet in MATLAB R2021b. I tried running th...

4 månader ago | 0

I am having a problem in applying 3d Scattered interpolation in my relative code.
Hi Huzaifa, I understand that you are facing a dimension incompatible error while interpolating data points. Based on the give...

4 månader ago | 0

Help needed with fitting and complex number
Hi Tuhin, I understand that you are trying to fit the given data using the customized optimization functions but are facing an ...

4 månader ago | 0

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