how to include a Timer in Simulink?
To implement this in Simulink, you can use a combination of blocks to create a timer that triggers the input signal for the firs...

2 månader ago | 0

Is there a mode converter in the corrugated horn antenna?
Hi Ben, In circular waveguides, the fundamental mode is TE11, while corrugated horns support the HE11 mode, which offers better...

2 månader ago | 0

Why MATLAB is unable to open my system web browser?
Hey Aditya, This might be due to rendering issues in browser based frameworks, try launching applications and changing the HTM...

2 månader ago | 0

Find Sample Code: "HDL Coder Release Notes: Improvements to delay balancing"
You can go through the following MATLAB example:

2 månader ago | 0

Metrics to characterize control performance without simulation
Tuning controller parameters without running simulations can be tricky, but there are ways to speed up or avoid simulations enti...

2 månader ago | 0

Create a polygon based on the location of points
Hi Jorge, The 'convhull' function calculates the smallest convex polygon that can enclose all given points (volcanoes). The con...

2 månader ago | 0

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Error(s) encountered while building arduino uno code
Hello Harvinder, This is caused by the Windows command processor (cmd.exe) being configured with an "Autorun" command that chan...

2 månader ago | 0

How to convert my matlab code into an executable file using Matlab compiler?
Hello Neelove, The error may be linked to your 'startup.m' file. Check for recent changes in this file located at $MATLAB/toolb...

3 månader ago | 0

Matlab install linux error: what(): Unable to launch the MATLABWindow application
Hello Dana, This error message is typically caused by a library dependency error. To resolve this issue, please remove the foll...

3 månader ago | 0

I want to get a single frame from yuv formate video file
Hi Sahar, The code incorrectly assigns the Y, U, and V components to the same index nframe, causing all frames to overwrite eac...

3 månader ago | 0

Simulink STM32 package to write code for my STM32 F411 Discovery Board but SPI is not working
Hi Dylan, It sounds like you're facing an issue with the SPI communication on your STM32 F411 Discovery Board. Here are some st...

3 månader ago | 0

How to store the real row id in datastore?
Hello Ahmed, When using the 'datastore' function in MATLAB to read a CSV file, you can access each row sequentially. However, t...

3 månader ago | 0

how can i show only the selected pixels within an image.
Hi John, To display only the selected pixels from an image using MATLAB, you can use logical indexing to create a mask of the s...

3 månader ago | 0

How to get georeferenced information correctly?
Hello Kuldeep, To ensure that your georeferencing information is correctly recognized by ENVI, you need to format the'map_info'...

3 månader ago | 0

Plotting patchm or fillm on Geoplot or geoscatter
Hello Navad, To plot a filled polygon on a map using `fillm` or `patchm`, you need to ensure that you are working with a map ax...

3 månader ago | 0

Simulating the impulse response of a higher order filter.
Hello Saqib, By default, MATLAB might not simulate for a long enough period to capture the full impulse response of a high-orde...

3 månader ago | 0

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ナイキスト線図安定余裕 閉ループの安定
Hello Ayumi, In control systems, the Nyquist plot determines closed-loop stability by checking if the plot encircles the critic...

3 månader ago | 0

To obtain the coefficient value matrix Transforma​tionDelayM​atrix2 for for a method of a class definition NewtonRateConverter
The issue arises because the 'TransformationDelayMatrix2' property isn't automatically calculated when you create a 'NewtonRateC...

3 månader ago | 0

How to use fsolve to solve all the equations?
To improve fsolve results, adjust the initial guess range (x_range and y_range) and step size to focus on promising regions. Mod...

3 månader ago | 0

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Error when open m file
Hello Hany, This may be due to a function shadowing issue for a function used in the underlying implementations of these other ...

4 månader ago | 0

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Is there a way to display which state are deleted by "minreal"
Hello Emma, When you use the 'minreal' function in MATLAB to reduce a state-space model, it simplifies the system by removing u...

4 månader ago | 0

How to pass cell array data type to a Simulink MATLAB function block
Hello Hew, Passing cell array data to a MATLAB Function block in Simulink can be challenging due to data type limitations. Here...

4 månader ago | 0

plotting histogram of 3d data.
Hello Farhan To create a categorical histogram of your 3D data in MATLAB, follow these steps: Organize the Data: Merge the dat...

4 månader ago | 0

Spectrum Sharing using Matlab
Hello Vartika, To simulate spectrum sharing between two network operators in MATLAB, you can use a simple model where each oper...

4 månader ago | 0

Hello, I have a problem with for loops and plotting the lines.
Hello Daniil, To plot 181 lines from +90° to -90° using a for loop, you can use the following code. It calculates the starting ...

4 månader ago | 0

Storing variables in Simulink
Hi, To maintain state information across Simulink time steps without using global variables, you can use either Simulink.Signal...

4 månader ago | 0

How to update titles and text annotations of subplots located on the same uitab?
The issue you're facing with the title and text annotations disappearing could be related to the use of hggroup as the parent fo...

4 månader ago | 0

Change active serial port
Hello Khaled, In MATLAB, manage multiple serial connections by creating separate serial port objects for each device. Switch be...

5 månader ago | 0

How can I create a 4D plot using 4 different Vectors.
Hello Arun, To visualize four-dimensional data in MATLAB, you can use a scatter plot where the color or size of the markers rep...

5 månader ago | 0

Is it possible to use MATLAB on slave computer/device for communication to host computer via serial MODBUS (RTU)
Hello Raimundas, Yes, you can communicate with a host/master via a serial port using MODBUS ASCII/RTU in MATLAB, even when your...

5 månader ago | 0

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