
Peter Drummond

Last seen: ungefär en månad ago Active since 2016

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Professor Drummond was educated at Auckland and Waikato University in New Zealand, and at Harvard University in the USA. He has worked as an academic at Auckland and Queensland Universities, and as a researcher at Rochester University. He has been a visiting scientist at IBM Research Laboratories (USA), and NTT Basic Research Laboratories (Japan), as well as a visiting professor at Waikato University (NZ), Erlangen University and Heidelberg University (Germany), and Ecole Normale Superieure (France). He is currently University Distinguished Professor and Science Director of the Center for Quantum and Optical Science at Swinburne University of Technology, as well as Australian representative on the IUPAP Commission for Atomic and Molecular Physics.

Peter Drummond's Badges

MATLAB Answers Badges

  • First AnswerFirst Answer
    26 May 2020

File Exchange Badges

  • First SubmissionFirst Submission
    09 Oct 2019
  • First ReviewFirst Review
    09 Oct 2019