Why in matlab sin(pi) is not zero but sin(pi/2) is 1?
If you ever need to compute sin(x*pi) or cos(x*pi), its better to do sinpi(x) or cospi(x). You never explicitly multily x by a ...

nästan 2 år ago | 2

Is there any concept like dictionary or hash tables in matlab like in Python?
As of R2022b, MATLAB has a new dictionary datatype An introduction to dictionaries (associative arrays) in MATLAB » The MATLAB B...

nästan 2 år ago | 8

How to make dictionary in Matlab
In R2022b and later, you can use the new dictionary type for this. Faster than A tutorial-like introduction at...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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Dictionaries of Hashtables in MATLAB?
Reviving this thread in 2022 because R2022b contains a new dictionary data type. A tutorial-like introduction at An introductio...

nästan 2 år ago | 1

Faster alternative to containers.Map
MATLAB R2022b has a new dictionary datatype that's much faster than A tutorial-like introduction at An introduc...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

how to remove/kill the figure produced with colormap
If the colormap is the most recent command you've executed, it will be the current figure. As such, you can use delete(gcf) W...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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How do I know how large an array can fit on the GPU?
As you've seen, gpuDevice() gives you information about your GPU. This is what I get for mine >> gpuDevice() ans = CUDA...

nästan 2 år ago | 0

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process based parpool: keep the data in the workers
Parfor is great, it auto-parallelises for us and takes care of a lot of things like data transfer to/from workers and so on. At ...

ungefär 2 år ago | 0

using matlab compiler to read a .mat file at run time
You can tell the compiler to exclude things using an Exclude pragma A demo: I created a .mat file as follows myvar = 1; save(...

ungefär 2 år ago | 1

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Is MATLAB supported on Apple Silicon Macs?
Blog post on this topic at Exploring the MATLAB beta for Native Apple Silicon » The MATLAB Blog - MATLAB & Simulink (mathworks.c...

ungefär 2 år ago | 1

Anderson Darling Goodness-of-the-fit test?
The statistics toolbox has an adtest function. It can test against a specific distribution with known parameters, or a more gene...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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Using Parfor for solving ODE via numerical methods (Euler)
As others have said, you cannot parallelise this loop. However, what you can do is parallelise independent runs of this loop. ...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

OCR on a screenshot
Hi Paolo Just because I am MathWorks staff doesn't mean anything here because until right now I've never used MATLAB's ocr func...

mer än 2 år ago | 2

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i dont get why it says Unrecognized function or variable 'Nbin when i run it
It's because you have this line [count,center]=hist(x,Nbin); Nbin needs to be defined as the number of bins you want in the hi...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

I would like to plot two bar charts side by side using separate y-axis for each corresponding plot.
Try tilledlayout. Documented at Create tiled chart layout - MATLAB tiledlayout ( % I want one row of plots with...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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arrayfun doesn't work with rmoutliers
arrayfun operates on every element of the array. So arrayfun(@rmoutliers,A,"UniformOutput",false) is like doing rmoutliers(0...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

variables cannot be saved in matlab
This looks like an operating system error. In particular, you are trying to write to a folder where you don't have write permis...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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Values are getting updated every 15 seconds in thingspeak. How do I lower this time?
I guess you are using the free tier of thingspeak which is limited to one update every 15 seconds. For faster updates, you'll n...

mer än 2 år ago | 2

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Double Integration error using /
You need to vectorise your equation alpha = 1.0; inte = @(y,x) (cos(x).^2)./(1 + alpha./(cos(x).*sqrt(1 - 1./y.^2))).^2.*(1./...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

fsolve gives the same value for different parameters of the nonlinear equation
It seems that chaging the paramet C_TIC from 0 to 2.78 doesn't affect the outpur much. I changed your function slightly so that...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Converting MATLAB code into python code
Hi Aakash To get this running on a HPC system, it would be beneficial to know the details of the HPC system. As I said in my co...

mer än 2 år ago | 11

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What is the difference between lu() and decomposition([],'lu')?
The two output form of lu() does use a different algorithm compared to the decomposition object. Also, it is not possible to sa...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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Zero elements in a matrix more higher than ones (MATLAB)
This is almost certainly not the most efficient way of doing it but it seems to work. Will need the statistics and ML toolbox f...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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Different results compared to hand calculation?
I don't know the algorithm you are implementing but I can see some things in your code that look strange to me and can explain w...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

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R = rotx(ang), roty(ang), rotz(ang) is not working in my MATLAB.
As Scott mentioned, these are in Phase Array Toolbox. Since you have access to it on MATLAB Online, it must be included in your...

ungefär 3 år ago | 1

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Is there any implementation for Mask R-CNN in Matlab?
There's an example on the MathWorks GitHub site matlab-deep-learning/mask-rcnn: Mask-RCNN training and prediction in MATLAB for ...

mer än 3 år ago | 1

is matlab production server included in education license
Update from the year 2021: MATLAB Prodction Server is now included in Campus-Wide Licenses (used to be called TAH license).

mer än 3 år ago | 0