setting epochs of forwardfeednet
Hello, Use the syntax below to customize options for your feedforward neural network. net=feedforwardnet(size,trainFcn); The ...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

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Nonlinear regression (비선형회귀)_ Express the formula for b.
Hello, To my understanding, your code should be like as shown below clc, clear, close all modelfun= @(b,x)(b(1)+b(2)*exp(-b...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

Newtons Interpolation error code
Hello, The code in one file seems to run fine on my end. The second code has the value of T missing which on adding to the cod...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

Unscented Kalman Filter - How to add noise to the system? - Simulink
Hello, To my understanding, You have to do both the things. The function will be different based on the noise is additive or no...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

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integration with vectors constants
Hello Victoria, To my understanding, vc is a column vector where as P2 is a row vector. Please change vc to a row vector. Hope...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

calling a function?
Hello, To my understanding of the question I have made a code. Please take a look. clc clear global T; T=readtable('mlq.xls...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

Save point cloud plot as jpg with the same format
Hi, Please follow the following steps to export image to other file formats. Go to file Select Export Options Tweak the para...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

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I cannot seem to get line 248 to work, is there something different I have to do for a Tiff file?
Hello, Please provide more insight to what issue you are facing. Also, please go through the documentation link for dir, sprint...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

Index exceeds the number of array elements (0).
Hello, I have rewritten the code in the form of an if else statement. clc clear %defining variables statV_F = [] s...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

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How to plot sum of series?
Hello Teb, Please take a look at the following code. You can change the value of n. x=-2:.1:2 plot(x,expr(x)) function [v...

mer än 3 år ago | 1

.deb file missing
Hello Gonca, Please refer this documentation link for information on installation related assistance. Hope it helps

mer än 3 år ago | 0

Problem while installing MinGW-w64 Complier
Hello Manoj This is a known issue. Our developers are aware about it and will try to fix it in future releases. You can use th...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

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Define chemical compounds in simulink
Hi, To answer the second part, you can use the Gas property block. In this block you can define all the properties of the gas. ...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

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Reconstruct a sequence from its DTFT
Hi , please take a look at the following code for calculating the iDTFT. It first calculates the DTFT followed by IDTFT. W = 2;...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

Why matlab shows an error like>> Error using qammod (line 54) INI_PHASE must be a real scalar.?
Hello, The qamdemod acceots only scaler values.It seems like the input argument to the qamdemod is not scaler or it is a comple...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

Error regarding matrix indices while iterating through loop
I tried reporducing this on my end. It seems to have worked fine when I have assumed the values of some variables as shown below...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

uicontrol로 만든 text를 다른 이미지로 변환시키는 방법이 있나요?
Please go through this answer available in the community. You can also use the documentation for more information on uicontrol ...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

How do I force quit?
If you are trying to stop MATLAB execution, you need to press Command + "." . For more information please go through the followi...

mer än 3 år ago | 1

Plotting the data with extended field.
Please take a look at the following code. To change the limits on the x axis, xlim function is used. speed = [30 45 60 75 90 1...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

Sublibrary naming issue with the name "Example"
To my understanding, as name the sublibrary contains the string "example", it gets hidden. I tried reproducing the same on my en...

nästan 4 år ago | 0

Matlab GUI will no longer open from terminal
Please try the following steps. a. Type the following commands in this sequence and check if it resolves the issue. Restore...

nästan 4 år ago | 0

How to sketch the region enclosed by the given curves and compute it's area
The fplot function can be used to solve it. By solving equations, we can see that the intersection point is at (1,0). To compute...

nästan 4 år ago | 0

Speeding up the simulation?
To my understanding, you are trying to reduce the simulation time. There are three different types of simulation modes available...

nästan 4 år ago | 0

How to bold a phrase in a textbox?
To my understanding, you are trying to write a string in a textbox in line 1. Then followed by another string “Flag:” and a numb...

nästan 4 år ago | 0

Which functions do I have to use to solve this waterfall problem written below?
You can solve the problem with the following script. You need to give input in the form of defining value for c(proportionalty c...

nästan 4 år ago | 0

2D cubic interpolation
You can perform 2D Cubic interpolation using the function interp2 and specifying the method as ‘cubic’. For example, a general ...

nästan 4 år ago | 0

Can you add new matlab script to windows 10 context menu?
As you have mentioned, one way to do this is by adding a registry by following the above-mentioned steps. Another way is to merg...

nästan 4 år ago | 0

Errorbar on bar graph using table values
To my understanding, currently the size of the error bar would be the value of the data in ‘Mean speed estimate ‘ column of the ...

nästan 4 år ago | 0

Error from 'Collaboration' Invitation
As per my understanding, this issue occurs when you are trying to share a folder to an account which does not have a MathWorks a...

nästan 4 år ago | 1

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