How can I delete a plot among many plot in one figure?
This thread might help (If you have plotted the two separately ) <

ungefär 12 år ago | 6

| accepted

array of natural numbers from 1 to n subset
Ok, there are multiple ways to go about, I'll suggest a start to one, but you will have to develop the logic yourself First s...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

| accepted

Export Figure using Print
This might help: You could use the same to write sequence of files <

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

How may I change the color of the grid using "plot"?
Since this is a homework, we cant give you the answer directly, however this might help: <

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Can an mfile(s) written in Matlab on Windows be run on matlab for a Mac without compatibility issues?
mfiles are script/function files which are dependent on MATLAB and not the underlying OS, unless you are making system call in y...

ungefär 12 år ago | 3

How can i make use of csv file format in my matlab coding
try the csvread command <>

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

Can I design a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) using Simulink or MATLAB?
Do you have any paper that you are following. This work is equivalent to a Thesis or dissertation. Anyways since you asked, h...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Cannot get .tif image to display
Does the following work.. imshow(x,[])

ungefär 12 år ago | 4

can any one correct me this code please??
bwlabel works on a 2D matrix, Your 13.jpg image is probably a color (rgb) image and hence is a 3 dimensional matrix. You could c...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

GPU acceleration to speed up matrix operations?
Loren's blog on GPU's and MATLAB will be really helpful in answering your questions. <

ungefär 12 år ago | 2

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converting matlab image to jpg image
You could use the GUI or doc saveas saveas(h,'filename.jpg') <

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

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Searching the minimum element of an array
Something like this a=rand(10,1) % your array a = 0.81 0.91 0.13 ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

How to calculate diagonal for NxN matrix ?
YOu could use sum(diag(A)) this is essentially trace(A) What does rotation by 45 mean

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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how to read a period of wav file in matlab?
Try the wavread function doc wavread or <> If this does not ans...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

how to store data in a matrix
This video should help: <> Eg for ii = 1:50 ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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find values from a matrix according to a criterion
Something like this time = [733774,733774,733775,733775,733775,733776,733776]; data = [1,1.3,1,2.5,2.5,1,1.2]; ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

How to put a marker in the begnnig and in the end of the simulation plot?
Something like this: r=[0 0 0]; for t= 0:0.1:20 B1=randi(6,1); if B1==1 rnew=r+[1 0 0];...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

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extracting face part in a image
This might help: <> another one her: <

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

title become to straight
try title('key','Fontsize',14,'Rotation',90.0)

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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calculation of a mean matrix
a = [1 2 3; 2 3 4]; b = [2 3 4; 3 4 5]; c=[mean(a);mean(b)]

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

replacing NaN with it previous element
K={ 'IT' 'ooil' 'TTT' [ 0] [4.1583] 'IT' 'ooil' 'TTT' [ 0] [4.0339] 'IT' ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

How to extract the plate area only from black background
The following thread might be helpful <>

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

Datenum date conversion troubles
Just try something like: str={'7/31/2012 2:35:00 PM' '7/31/2012 2:36:00 PM' '7/31/2012 2:37:00 PM' '7/31/2012 2:38...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

how can change the angle of image ?
something like this? Based on the method shown here: <> ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

changing the date form in a cell matrix
Using the first A cell MAtrix shown in the question: for ii=1:length(A) A(ii,3)=strrep(A(ii,3),'S','SEP'); ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

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plot date from excel file
Something like this x={'12:00','12:15','12:30','12:45'}; %time y=[0.5 0.8 0.3 0.6] % values time_out=d...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

how to save work space?
You could increase the Java Heap size as follows: Windows:File->Preferences->General->Java heap space Mac: MATLAB->Prefe...

ungefär 12 år ago | 2

Selecting randomly from matrix
perhaps something like this.. q=[ 2 5 6 8 9 10 56 89 10 1 0 3 8 1 3] ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

Displaying the most number of counts
A very round about way of doing this but works.. a = { '' 'c1' 'c2' 'c3' 'c4' 'c5' 'yar12' 'h...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Error libXft.2.dylib on MAC
I have found the solution for the question: MATLAB sets its own DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on the Mac to get over some restrictions of...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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