If I have a matrix of data and I want to pull out certain data cells and arrange them in another matrix?
a=[10 40 50 80 20 40 20 34 30 50 32 50 20 38 40 36] c=find(a(:,1)==20) out= a(c,3)

ungefär 12 år ago | 2

| accepted

I keep getting a syntax error with my program???
in the If statement you need to use '==' Your first if statement would be if x==0 & y==0 disp('This point is located...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

| accepted

Inserting date/time in an array
Well here is the code start={'01.04.1987 14:00:00'}; start1={'01.04.1987 14:00:01'}; % you can put your end valu...

ungefär 12 år ago | 2

When to accept an answer for someone
How about Do not accept your own answer unless 1. The author has thanked you replied that the problem has been solved ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 8


ungefär 12 år ago | 2

vector index of consecutive gap (NaN) lengths?
A very crude way.. pretty sure can be done better... A = [2 4 NaN 7 9 NaN NaN NaN 32 NaN NaN 8]; A(~isnan(A))=0; A(is...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

Eg. x=1:20; %i.e x=1 2 3.... 20 n=5; % assign value of 5 to n y1 = x(2:n) % get second to nth (5th )value in ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Create a startpoint in form of a ring on my graph
try a=[1 2 3 4]; %data to be plotted plot(a) hold on plot(a(1),'o','MarkerSize',10) % start point with circ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Force matlab to quit while stuck in an infinite loop?
try ctrl + c

ungefär 12 år ago | 12

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Divide by Zero
Actually Inf returns the IEEE arithmetic representation for positive infinity. Infinity results from operations like division...

ungefär 12 år ago | 8

| accepted

How do I find the GPU version in MATLAB?
Use the function < gpuDevice>. gpuDevice If you do not have ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 3

| accepted

Finding distance between endpoints of image segment: PixelList vs 'endpoints'
You could lockup the Medical Image processing webinar which deals with toruosity.. You could also try bwdistgeodesic command...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

How to connect the dots
Dunno if this is what you want.. DO realize that var(x) is a single scalar value as the variance of x x=rand(10,1) y=...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

Calculate difference between two times
You can convert the date string into a date number and get the difference between them EG. a =['20080102 095648';'200801...

ungefär 12 år ago | 2

Convert 3 dimensional matrix to vector (rows to columns)
doc reshape out = reshape(PV_power_output,8760,1,3); Warning: read the reshape help document thoroughly as it does c...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

| accepted

Regarding solving an equation
try the equation as syms x phi = solve(R1*x + 0.033165331*x^0.8 -delTt) %without '...' phi1 = real(phi)

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

breaking a column of strings in two different columns
a={'AR021108' 'AW301108' 'EW281208' 'RT250109' 'RY220209'}; ii=cellfun(@(x) x(1:2),a, 'UniformOutput', false); ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 2

You could try something like ii=0.4:0.01:0.99; for count1 =1:length(ii) for count2=1:length(ii) outpu...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

How to combine vectors of different length into matrix ?
Just for fun.. Another complicated way.. A =[ 1 2 3 4 5]; B = [3 4 5 0 0; 1 2 4 5 0; 4 5 0 0 0]; for ii=1:size(B,...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

Change License Type
You could try updating the current license fro the MATLAB Help tab. HELP > Licensing > Update current license P.S. You mi...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

I want to ascend cell
There might be an easier way of doing this but the following should work.. a{1,1}={'x 4';'y 2';'z 1';'g 3'}; a{1,1} p...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

| accepted

Beagleboard question
You can definitely interface an Beagleboard-xM with Simulink and MATLAB not sure about the older version. The new xM board only...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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How to config "sendmail" to BCC to multiple addresses?
Look for addBcc on the following page as part of the file exchange contribution: <

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

unable to set path for a particular tool.
Try the following from the matlab command line which pathdef This will reply the path of the pathdef.m file make sur...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

giving state-space equation from transfer function G(s)
>> H = [tf([2],[1 4 1])] H = 2 ------------- s^2 + 4 s + 1 Continuous-time transfer ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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Derivate a signal in matlab
this might help <> doc diff

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

A = 'abc' 'dmf' 'jkl' [1x3 double] [1x3 double] [1x3 double] 'pqr' 'abc' 'jkl' [1x3 dou...

ungefär 12 år ago | 2

Extract a range of a given cell array
cellarray={'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L'}; prompt1={'Insert start in %'}; prompt2={'Insert End in ...

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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How to write a "go to" -like statement in matlab
I dont think there is 'goto' in MATLAB you could use try .. catch or use the file exchange contribution <http://ww...

ungefär 12 år ago | 1

| accepted

Is a Bloomberg license needed for the financial datafeed toolbox?
Google does provide every second data, as opposed to Bloomberg which is delayed by 15 mins. without the license.

ungefär 12 år ago | 0

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