combine each entry of a cell array and a double array
A= {'A1' 'A2' 'A3'} B= {'B1' 'B2' } for ii= 1:length(A) for jj=1:length(B) out{ii,jj}=[A{1,ii} B{1,jj}]...

mer än 10 år ago | 1

help with conversions (in/cm/ft)
If you have the Aerospace toolbox.. try convlength <> ...

mer än 10 år ago | 2

| accepted

trouble plotting a graph
Try t=1:0.1:10; V=1.5*t.^2; plot(t,V)

mer än 10 år ago | 1

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How “size(x,3)>1” works on an image?
size(x,3) - if it is greater than 1 than it is a color RGB image. try size(x) and see - if you get two dimensions its graysca...

mer än 10 år ago | 1

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How to superimpose one surface onto another?
Z=randn(11,11); Z1=randn(11,11)+2; X=[1:11]; Y=[1:11]; surf(X,Y,Z) hold on surf(X,Y,Z1) hold off Two s...

mer än 10 år ago | 0

Negitive number from a hex value
2147483647 is Maximum integer value in matlab you can get that by typing intmax so the answer you are getting is not v...

mer än 10 år ago | 2

How can i avoid Matlab from creating new Matlab folders everytime i start it?
It might be defined so i the matlabrc.m file by the system administrator. if you are the admin then you can change the settin...

mer än 10 år ago | 0

how to display output of all iteration of for loop in a matrix or even a array
a=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0] count=1; for i=1:2:7 b(count,:)=a(1,i:i+3); count=count+1; end b

mer än 10 år ago | 2

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How to find minimum and maximum values?
you can use min() & max() functions min (matrix) %returns the minimum max (matrix) %returns the maximum

mer än 10 år ago | 0

How do you open .csv files?
Just try fname='data.csv' fd = fopen(fname); if (fd == -1) msg = sprintf('File %s not opened\n',fname); ...

mer än 10 år ago | 0

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legend entries ignored after using "hold" to create plots
You could concatenate multiple legend statements for the two data sets Eg.: x = 1900:10:1990; x=x' y1 = 10:10:10...

mer än 10 år ago | 1

Placing nested function in another .m-file.
Yes you can do that. <> Provides some goo...

mer än 10 år ago | 0

Problem with symsum using infinity as the upper limit of the variable.
instead of a' try vpa(a') You might not get all the value but close..

mer än 10 år ago | 0

Matlab function for defining the size of a matrix
B=zeros(size(A,1),2) % if you know A B=zeros(size(D)) % if you know D B=zeros(size(A,1),size(D,2)) % just to make i...

mer än 10 år ago | 0

How do i calculate velocity of cars in a video?
Look at this paper might help- <

mer än 10 år ago | 3

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how long will my Matlab & Simulink Student version r2013a last
Look here at the student version FAQ <> Q. For how long is my Student V...

mer än 10 år ago | 0

How to Load STL map file in a figure
This can run on the Mupad <> There is also a function ...

mer än 10 år ago | 0

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always stuck at job test validate--cluster profile manager
Hmmm.. I haven't tried it on R2013b but it works well for me on R2013a and LTS 12.04 <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/...

mer än 10 år ago | 0

How to write a code to build a D flip flop?
You could use the D flip flop in simulink directly. <>

mer än 10 år ago | 0

calculate surface area between two curves
This might help: <>

mer än 10 år ago | 0

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Artifical Bee Colony Algorithm
You can find one here: <> or an implementation here: <

nästan 11 år ago | 0

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saveas vs. "File->Save as"
try saveas(gcf,'mypicture.fig')

nästan 11 år ago | 0

Is it possible to have MATLAB installed on two computers?
Depends on the license. How many seeds of the license does the researcher have? For. Eg. I have multiple versions of MALTA...

nästan 11 år ago | 0

calculating rmse between observations and estimates of different size
Your data sets (data and estimate) have different sizes. Do you have NaN's in your estimates or are you taking multiple estimate...

nästan 11 år ago | 0

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Can Mathlab solve this
Yes, look in the symbolic math toolbox <> Go to the bottom of the page for e...

nästan 11 år ago | 0

Skull Removal of brain using matlab
Muhammad, I use a program known as AFNI for such skull stripping. AFNI has been developed by the National Institute of Healt...

nästan 11 år ago | 1

How can I avoid error in mnrfit line 164?
I'm assuming mnrfit does not like 'NaN' values as its input. works fine with x = 0.14 0.66 ...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

Matlab Mac OS 10.6.8
You can try the solutions mentioned in this post. It fixed the issue for me <

ungefär 11 år ago | 1

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How can I generalize this for loop?
a=1:9 % input for ii=1:9 t(ii)=sum(a(1:ii))/sum(a); end t

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

If I call matlabpool open 4 and I have 4 cores, will I work in parallel with 4 or with 3 workers?
If you call matlabpool open local 4 - you will have 4 workers (though you will have 5 matlab instances running - 1 master ans 4 ...

ungefär 11 år ago | 2

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