Inserting current date in string
Use: str=['Today is ',date]

mer än 12 år ago | 0

read data from .m file
Variables are not stored in .m files as they are ASCII, Variables are usually stored in .mat files that matlab can read. E.g....

mer än 12 år ago | 0

Matlab startup hangs
As far as I know, MATLAB R2011b does not initallize the X Server on MATLAB as it used to do upto R2010a . Are you sure you are ...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

Parallel Computing Toolbox on local machine
Hi, here is a link for a workshop I conducted.. <> ...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

Error opening matlabpool
Can you try validating your local parallel configuration. Parallel > Manage Configuration> select 'local'> Start Validation. ...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

how can i know which toolbox a function is calling?
Use a 'which FucntionName' command Eg. >> which qfunc /Applications/ ...

mer än 12 år ago | 4

inverse loop
Try, for i=180:-1:1 for j =180:-1:1 i j end end

mer än 12 år ago | 0

counting the duplicates
You could use the unique command <> longwords={'banana';'milk';'...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

Instal Matlab 2011a on Ubuntu 11.10
Hey, I have installed MATLAB on Ubuntu and it was not a big issue. Only had some trouble with creating a launcher. Found some i...

mer än 12 år ago | 1

| accepted

Parallel Computing Toolbox: createParallelJob, createTask, submit --- nothing happens
This looks like an incompatibility in the version of the PBS scheduler with MATLAB.. I do not have a lot of experience with ...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

mutiplying a role of number and seach or max and min value
Kron is a good way to do it, However you could code multiple for loops and work it.. I hope this was not a homework problem.. ...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

Help with dot operator
hmm,, this code works fine now: %Design_Principles_3_MATLAB_Assignment.m %Script to find minimum peak force required from ...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

Help with dot operator
In your case Z=[1x19] and A=[1x23], both the matrices are of different dimensions and hence you get a dimension mismatch error.....

mer än 12 år ago | 0

Mac-PC competability in .fig files
It could be a versions issue what versions of MATLAB are you using on the PC and MAC respectively? I have just imported *.fi...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

About matlab in MacOS
Matlab is availble for the MAC OSX 64 bit. I have been using it for a long time and works fine. It had some bugs in the paralle...

mer än 12 år ago | 1

Std in matlab different from stdevp in excel
I get the same answer for stddev and mean from MATLAB and Excel a = [ 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 4 5 6 2 6 2 6 1] >> std(a) ans = ...

mer än 12 år ago | 1

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Running MATLAB from Excel - Matlab Builder Ex or Matlab Spredsheet link EX?
I have a number of calculations to be performed by a MATLAB M file and have all my data in an Excel sheet. The m file is not...

mer än 12 år ago | 2 answers | 1



best budget desktop harware for high performance of matlab
'Budget' is a subjective term. Anyways as regards to a fairly cost effective configuration for you desktop I would recommend th...

mer än 12 år ago | 3

| accepted

read two different tracks in matlab
You can use software like audacity to split the single audio file with two into two audio files. Then you can import them into m...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

| accepted

How to determine if license is concurrent?
A concurrent network license allows users to run MATLAB concurrently (one user at a time per license key) on any computer. This ...

mer än 12 år ago | 1

Problems with legend
Hmm, intial walkthorugh your code legend ('zeiglersum','foerdesfaktor,'-4.*grinismaksimum', '3.*kristiansenstrippel', ...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

NVIDIA GPU recommendation: Mac (OSX 10.6.x - 64bit server)
I would suggest going for the newer 4000 card as it has a better specs and occupies less space (only 1 slot as opposed to the 2 ...

mer än 12 år ago | 0

GPU wrong results
Georgios, I ran it on our GPU pool gpuDevice tic () a = rand(2^10,2^10,'single'); G = gpuArray(a); F = fft2(G); err ...

mer än 12 år ago | 2

Matlab on 16 core desktop machine
You just need to download and install MATLAB and run the validation on the local configuration to confirm its working. You go ...

nästan 13 år ago | 1

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speed up computation of huge matrix?
Use a GPU card and gpuArray. Our Tesla M2070-Q (448 cores, 6GB) performs this in 0.02125 sec. I have performed a similar (500...

nästan 13 år ago | 1

MatLab R2011a detects 8 physical cores when I only have 4!
Also if you do not want to use hyper-threading or run just 1 instalnce of matlab/physical core you can give the command mat...

nästan 13 år ago | 1

Need help creating a loop
You might find this useful: <> Hope t...

nästan 13 år ago | 2

GPU programming
Shabab, as far as I know MATLAB requires an NVIDIA GPU with a compute capability of 1.3 or higher. It is because MATLAB uses...

nästan 13 år ago | 3

| accepted

Time difference between two sets of times in hrs mins and seconds.. GUI if possible
Hi Sharon, I have written a code for this a long time ago. Hope this helps.. close all % Prompt to enter the time us...

nästan 13 år ago | 2

| accepted

File .txt in MatLab
If my data is in the file new.txt fid=fopen('new.txt'); C = textscan(fid, '%s %s %f32 %d8 %u %f %f %s %f'); fclose(fid); ...

nästan 13 år ago | 2

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