
Deleting an element in a matrix
For vector Grades=[98 56 78 34 100 88 87], delete the number 78 to get the following matrix Grades=[98 56 34 100 88 87] **re...

mer än ett år ago


Find the Oldest Person in a Room
Given two input vectors: * |name| - user last names * |age| - corresponding age of the person Return the name of the ol...

mer än ett år ago


Matlab Basics - Convert a row vector to a column vector
Write a script to convert a row (e.g. x = [1 2 3]) to a column (e.g. y = [1;2;3]), your script should be able to do this for any...

mer än ett år ago


Vector creation
Create a vector using square brackets going from 1 to the given value x in steps on 1. Hint: use increment.

mer än ett år ago


Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector
Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector x. Examples: Input x = [1 2 3 5] Output y is 11 Input x ...

mer än ett år ago


Get the length of a given vector
Given a vector x, the output y should equal the length of x.

mer än ett år ago


Calculate Inner Product
Given two input matrices, |x| and |y|, check if their inner dimensions match. * If they match, create an output variable |z|...

mer än ett år ago


Calculate BMI
Given a matrix hw (height and weight) with two columns, calculate BMI using these formulas: 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds 1 inch = 2...

mer än ett år ago


Convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius
Given an input vector |F| containing temperature values in Fahrenheit, return an output vector |C| that contains the values in C...

mer än ett år ago


Calculate Amount of Cake Frosting
Given two input variables r and h, which stand for the radius and height of a cake, calculate the surface area of the cake you n...

mer än ett år ago