Class property automatically propagated to old class instances
See Comparison of Handle and Value Classes Your exampleClass is a value class. However, the behavior you describe is more like ...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1.
What is your intention with this assignment? %% Initial condition T(:,:) = 293; % initial temperature (K) Matlab mak...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Run a large number of iterations without the use of a for loop
Preallocating the variable t will improve speed a lot. Something like t = nan( 1536256, 1 ); t(1) = rf-r0; ... t(i) = rf-...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

How to vectorize the function?
Read Array vs. Matrix Operations. With scalars the two produce the same result, but not with vectors and arrays. The second se...

nästan 3 år ago | 1

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How am I suppose to fix this error. I am trying to run the code in order to get a stress vs strain plot and find the value described in the script.
This script runs without throwing errors; the syntax is correct. I assigned values to some undefined variables, lo, m, x, y. C...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

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Extracting the numeric part from a cell
Try >> extractBetween( "injection-0:94582)", ":", ")" ) ans = "94582"

nästan 3 år ago | 1

'line' returns number instead of handle inside a loop of a class method
I have reproduced your findings on R2018b. The numerical "handles" are the old type, pre R2014b. I failed to find an explanati...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

Error using for loop to delete empty cell array elements
Replace for i=1:numel(temp_routes_log) by for i = numel(temp_routes_log) : -1 : 1 % loop from last to first element OR if r...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

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how to find the immediate date before in one column based on another column using find function?
Assumptions: the two column vectors are sorted a specific date in the first vector may exist in the second vector more than o...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

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Whitespace Delimited Textfile, NaN results?
The problem is caused by 'Delimiter',' ' in datacell = textscan(fid,'%f%f%f%f', 'Delimiter',' ', 'CollectOutput', 1); in co...

nästan 3 år ago | 1

| accepted

empty array size is stuck on 1x3
Try replace fscanf(fileID,'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'); by for jj = 1 : 14 fgetl( fileID ); end fscanf(fileID,'\n\n...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

Please help me to look at the code. Thx
This returns a numerical result, but it's not an integer. fun = @(x) exp(-x.^2./2); int = gausslegendre( 0, 2, fun, 1 ) func...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

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I have an invalid use of operator error
I have modified your function to avoid the recursive call of the function. atmos function [T,p,rho] = atmos() h = 0:0.2:20...

nästan 3 år ago | 1

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Trouble using the system command with special characters
You try to call system() with a sequence of several input arguments and assumes that system() shall join these arguments to the ...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

Cell Mode and how to use it in Debugging.
There is a bit of confusing nomenclature regarding this feature. Futhermore the feature has evolved over the years. I found this...

nästan 3 år ago | 0


How to find package functions that are shadowed?
I'm missing something. It is possible to have several package functions with identical fully qualified names, e.g. p1.test, on ...

nästan 3 år ago | 1 answer | 2



Create matrix using the array as index
Try this M = zeros(5,5); a = [2,2,1,0,3]; for jj = 1:5 M(a(jj)+1,jj)=1; end disp(M)

nästan 3 år ago | 1

Import large csv as datastore with formatting errors
Comment out the offending rows open files while not( feof(fid) ) chr = fgetl(fid); is_ok = analyse_row( chr ); ...

nästan 3 år ago | 1

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I am getting "Undefined function or variable" for an existing variable.
Run this modified script from the command window whos par* run QuickSIN_parameters.m % load experiment parameters whos par* ...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0


R2021b: The Run Section tool in the Editor has been removed
I use the Run Section tool all the time and was surprised to read in the R2021b release notes that it's been removed. Is it repl...

ungefär 3 år ago | 3 answers | 0



how to delete repeated rows in a table?
Test this %% M = [518460 3.322; 518460 -12.984; 518520 3.798; 518520 -10.28; 518580 7.763; 518580 16.851; 518640 5.959; 522225...

ungefär 3 år ago | 1

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how to find a float number
find( abs( y7 -(-0.3340) ) < tol ) You choose tol. See eps - Floating-point relative accuracy

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

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Tiny discussion on good practices in object oriented programming (OOP) through a simple example
"[...]titles of decent books for non-programmers" AFAIK: There is no book on object oriented design and programming with Matlab...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0


Is the Abstract keyword needed to make a method abstract?
Is this correct Matlab syntax classdef MyClass methods outarg = my_method( this, inarg ); end end R2018b a...

ungefär 3 år ago | 1 answer | 0



How to speed up the while loop?
You didn't test the code before uploading! I modified the input lines z = 1; % input('Enter zeta, z = '); w = 1; % input('Ent...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

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Matrix dimensions must agree.
Because (jy12) is 400x400 and omega is 200x200

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

I got stuck with a loop after the value gets to NaN
The values of xr and yr do not converge to a solution that you expect. xr goes to zero and yr goes to "infinity". >> Newton_Ra...

ungefär 3 år ago | 1

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Why the ouput of disp input function become looping?
The expected output is repeated a zillion times, because yfit is a vector with a zillion elements >> whos yfit Name Si...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

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Split every matrix in cell and make it into different cell
One way %% M = ones(32,32,2,3); % Sample data (20000 replaced by 3) C = mat2cell( M, 32, 32, 2, ones(1,3) ); %% C = sque...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

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How to convert 32x32x2x20000 into 20000x1 cell array?
A mat2cell example %% M = ones(32,32,2,6); % Sample data (20000 replaced by 6) C = mat2cell( M, 32, 32, 2, ones(1,6) ); %...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

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