Deleting Some Specific Entries from a vector
Just do with the following q = abs(yb); p = (q==0|q==1|q==0.6|q==0.8); xa = yb(~p) if it does not work, use a tolerance TO...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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how to convert picoscope data to matlab
Why not save with csv extension. IF you can open with MS access, just use save as, and convert to csv file. matlab can read csv ...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

how to convert explicit function to implicit?
If you feel bored solving it by hand, just use matlab! syms a y x b A eq = a*y - x*(a+1) - A*(x^2-b*a^2*(y-x)^2); y = solve(e...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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How to concatenate two matrices?
A=[1 2;3 4]; B=[5 6;7 8]; C1 = [A,B]'; C = reshape(C1, size(A,2),numel(C1)/size(A,2))' Then C = 1 2 5 ...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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Subgraph from selected edges
hi, friend, you can make EdgeNumber an array that contains all the edge numbers that you are interested in. and make the line ...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

How to make the array automatic shift to next column after looping
Use following command total_five_output = zeros(8752,5); for i = 1:1:5 % .... % your body to generate output total_...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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Rotate geometry at one specified point
Here I added the rotation method for you function Nano_Sphere_Dat_Generator clear clc clf %set value of geometric paramete...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

Partitioning a number into sum of positive real numbers
Hi, friend! I have thought of a search method that saves much time. Firstly, the problem can be converted to V = 1:1:M, there ...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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Subgraph from selected edges
Note that all the endnodes of some given edges may be repeated, as commented by @Sim. Unique is a good way to solve such problem...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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Runge kutta method matlab
Use arrayfun to obtain your solutions and Plot them! x0y0 = [20x2] array? tspan = [0:dt:t_end]; [tsol, xysol] = arrayfun(@(i)...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

FEM post processing: How to plot strain field in MATLAB
Since the strain values to each node can be obtained by interpolate method with the values of the integration point of each ele...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

How can I write a for loop to do algebra over multiple arrays?
Do loop with indices of t: a = linspace(3,28,28)'; b = linspace(4,28,28)'; c = linspace(5,28,28)'; d = linspace(6,28,28)'; ...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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how to access element of map when I don't know unique keys?
You can get keys and values by keys = M.keys; values = M.values;

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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How to index match excel file in matlab
You can do with following code T = readtable('example.xlsx', ... 'ReadVariableNames', true,... 'PreserveVariableNames...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

How to combine matrices
Hi, friend! You can achieve this by following command: bhu = reshape(permute(NETPLP,[2,1,3]), 3, size(NETPLP,1)*size(NETPLP,3))...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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I am trying to find the displacement of this below 2nd order differential equation.
Hi, friend! The ode you provided is a 2nd order ode. Follow the code you will know how to solve this ode. But at first, since bo...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

Error in symengine for symbolic integration
This is a bug in matlab. A good way to avoid this bug is just to predefine symbols rather than use constants in the symbolic pro...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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I am trying to plot an stl file but it showing error
Use triplot FV = stlread('Part2.stl'); triplot(FV)

mer än 2 år ago | 1

How to find points inside a region defined by a rotated ellipse
Here is an example of telling how to calculate whether a given point [x y] lie within the regoin defined by this ellipse. funct...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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Filling area between lines with color
If your horizontal coordinates is t array, then patch or fill can help maxTime = max(t(:)); patch([0, maxTime, maxTime, 0], [-...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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How to calculate the whole time that my signal values is more than zero?
If your signal array is A, and with a time array t the same size as A. The total time the signal is greater than zero will be ...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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How can I figure out which element in the array is repeated and how many times?
Hi, friend, using histcounts, things will be simple A = {'A', 'B', 'C'; 'D', 'E', 'F'; 'A', 'G', 'H'; 'C', 'Y', 'C'}; A = cate...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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changing values of RHS with each time step in ODE
Is F time dependent ? If so, just write a function named Force function F = Force(t) t_array = []; % This is t array from xls ...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Making a matrix of R*C size that takes the values randomly from an array- Y.
Hi, friend! randi is OK, it can help, look Y = [ 1 6 1 8 4 5]; R = 7; C = 8; indices = randi([1,numel(Y)], R, C); A = Y(indi...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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How to extract points from a 3D plot that fall within a particular distance from the center coordinate?
If you have Coor is a n by 3 matrix as the coordinates of n points in 3d space and a fixed point (x,y,z). Then the points within...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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memory shortage: Solve Stiff ODEs
你好!这个直接把 options = odeset('Vectorized','on','JPattern',jpattern(N)); 改写成 options = odeset('Vectorized','on'); 就可以了,因为你给出的ode...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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find inverse of distribution function
See the help doc with icdf

mer än 2 år ago | 0

How Can I solve this equation ?
syms r t m rp q = int(rp*sin(m*pi*r),rp,0,1); % the integral r prime from 0 to 1 V = symsum(exp(m*pi*t)*sin(m*pi*r)*q, m, 1, 1...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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How can one create a timetable with one column (all 1) with beginning date and end date?
I have got your idea and write a code for you: startdate = datetime('2020-01-02'); enddate = datetime('2020-05-15'); dt = end...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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Reshape a vector to a matrix
Just use reshape and transpose it! x=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] ; A = reshape(x, 5, 2)' Then we get A = 1 2 3 ...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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