plot time in HH:MM ix x axis
You need to change the format using datetick. date={'15:10:34.600 AM 2/26/2017','15:20:34.700 AM 2/26/2017','15:30:34.800 AM 2/...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

| accepted

How to add captions to figures in a LiveScript that also include figure numbers
@Cory Dinkle.. I would recommend if you can use annotations. With annotations it is easy to change different properties like ali...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

how to display a maximum and minimum value in figure of Matlab?
text: Add text descriptions to data points e.g. text(x,y,str) adds a text description to one or more data points in the current...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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For loop overriding pervious data
I tweaked a bit @KSSV answer. Second loop I added in case you have different variable size in *.mat file. I hope this solution w...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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Y data on the bar plot
text(A(i),sprintf('(%.0f)',A(i))) - your syntax seems doesn't right. Please follow the following syntax to defined values of y o...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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how to plot group boxplot
Have a look over the below link. There are sufficient infos available on MATLAB Website Also you can find some ready made funct...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

How to change the plot proportions/size when exporting to jpg using live script in Matlab
you can try this out. I hope this served your purpose. set(gcf,'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]); saveas(f, full...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Multiple switch distance based.
@Krzysztof Slezak, there are many ways to do this. One way is to use If Simulink block together with If Action Subsystem. Pleas...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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Generate wave with simulink
read the following link: Generate discrete sine wave - MATLAB - MathWorks Deutschland and Generate continuous or discrete sine w...

ungefär 3 år ago | 1


Repeat a time based signal in Simulink (not using *.m script) / during Start of simulation based on number of repetitions
I am looking for a way to repeat a time based signals "n" times in Simulink as soon as I run the simulation. Just for referen...

ungefär 3 år ago | 1 answer | 0



Save results on different sheets in excel
You can try this example and adapt to your requirement. first "for loop" you can use for creating 5 different sheets as mentione...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

legend font style, f ​​and | are very close
As per as my knowledge this is due to "FontName". Try with other FontName for e.g. Calibri etc you will see the difference.

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

csvread: The file can only contain numeric values. I would prefer readtable command. With this command you have flexibility to ...

ungefär 3 år ago | 2

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Syntax error in function block of simulink
Please refer to the below link to find out the supported Trignometric Functions:

mer än 3 år ago | 0

How to plot a Simulink Desktop Real-Time model output in an App Designer app?
Hi Nagendra, There are different ways to acheive and one solution you can find in the below link:

mer än 3 år ago | 1

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How do I solve "Error in port widths or dimensions" error in Simulink?
function input = C_REG(q) % global k_1 k_2 x=q(1); y=q(2); theta=q(3); e_p=[-x -y]; sag=[cos(t...

ungefär 4 år ago | 1

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cell Array to numeric column vector
cell2mat converts the contents of a cell array into a single matrix More Info below: cell2mat:

mer än 4 år ago | 0

extracting data from a picture of a chart
grabit is one of the option with which you can extract data from *.jpg, *.png etc You can find it on FEX: https://de.mathwor...

mer än 4 år ago | 1

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How to differentiate Subsystem and MATLAB Function Block with find_system()
Hello Lucas, Please refer to the answer provided by Murugan C in the below link:

mer än 4 år ago | 0

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How to read txt file usinig txtscan?
Here you go: % Create import options, tailor the data types for multiple variables, and then read the data filename = 'Ahm-201...

mer än 4 år ago | 0

How to mirror a plot ?
After your plot command, add the below line: set(gca, 'XDir','reverse')

mer än 4 år ago | 3

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How do I plot the Colebrook equation?
Here you can find the submission from Ildeberto de los Santos Ruiz

mer än 4 år ago | 0

Mark the intersection of two curves in a graph
Hi, There are few solutions and answers which you can found in below links: Detect Curve Intersections, Quickly and Easily h...

mer än 4 år ago | 0

How can i collect output port data from Simulink model to GUI using get_param?
You want to use specifically get_param? You can find my submission on how to control Simulink Model from MATLAB App based on ev...

mer än 4 år ago | 0

How to change the filename in xlswrite using loop
using xlswrite in a loop will effect performance. Try this FEX:

nästan 5 år ago | 0


Interface between MATLAB App and Simulink
This app enables to read and display the Simulink model outputs during the simulation in the MATLAB app.

nästan 5 år ago | 14 downloads |


Update plot uitable problem
After a while, I found a solution to this problem: t = table(Drehzahl, Drehmoment, 'RowNames',{'Startpunkt' 'P1' 'P2' 'P3' 'End...

nästan 5 år ago | 0

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How can I show the outputs of a simulink model in a GUI?
Please use internet search engine or FEX you will find most of the answers to your problem check this file exchange submission ...

nästan 5 år ago | 0

how to save image in specific folder in matlab?
Moved from comment section to Answer!!! -------------------------------------------------------- ImageFolder need to be a stri...

nästan 5 år ago | 0

Appdesigner textbox: is there a way to do multiple lines like for step 1, step 2, etc..?
Hi Aaron, by changing the position property (position: [left bottom width height]) you can fit your complete text. d = dialog(...

nästan 5 år ago | 0

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