How to read all the files in a folder based on file name?
hello you can do a for loop to load all your files I am not sure what your issue is, but if it's how to make sure to load fi...

6 månader ago | 0

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How can I plot the complete two circles vertical not horizontal ?
hello either you swap x and y data in your plot calls , or use view : figure(1),plot(sin((0:0.1:3*pi))) legend('original da...

6 månader ago | 0

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How do I interpolate and smoothen ndvi time series?
hello so I simply replace the 8th column with NaN and replaced them using fillmissing2 data = readtable('sample_ndvi.csv'); ...

6 månader ago | 0

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Error using tsa function - Error using matlab.internal.math.interp1 Sample points must be unique.
hehe there is only one difference between the two mat files , but it was enough to create the issue >> load('TSA_DATA_OLD.mat...

6 månader ago | 1

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Blend two bezier curve using partition of unity property while ensuring interpolation
hello seems to me there is a simple solution to your problem - simply combine x,y data of both curves and use unique to remove...

6 månader ago | 1

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How can I smooth this data before assigning a spline to it?
hello you could do this just using basic interpolation (in log scale) and the regular smoothdata (use your own spline smoo...

6 månader ago | 0

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How to plot an Implicit function with certain conditions
hello @Shai Zipori I have to say I don't do much with implicit function problems , tried using fsolve and fminbnd but was lacki...

6 månader ago | 2

How to turn S11 to time domain by Matlab
hello again I am mot sure to understand the shape of the impulse response from your S11_time.txt file : why only two positive...

6 månader ago | 0

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Interpolation using data from excel sheet
hello I interpreted your request as : pick one month (from 1 to 12) then define whatever latitude query , and do the interpola...

6 månader ago | 0

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Plotting a faired curve through a data set that curves in on itself
hello experimental airfoil data can exibit some randomness especially at high angle of attack (stall) we usually prefer to s...

6 månader ago | 0

Hi, i want to plot two columns of values of data from excel, the graph includes a zero while the excel sheet doesn't. Here is my code and the graph I got vs what I should get
hello again so your arrays contains 0 after row 22 til the end, that's why your plot goes back to the origin point (this was a...

6 månader ago | 0

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How can I get more divisions in x- and y- axes scaling when plotting with imagesc to have a clear picture and introduce the proper scaling along x- & y- axes?
hello simply specify the number of points when you call linspace here I introduced N = 500 (N = 100 by default) N = 500; [x...

6 månader ago | 0

Clean noisy data from images
hello this is a simple exponential fit using polyfit I had to do a bit of manual tweaks first to slect the appropriate data ...

6 månader ago | 0

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Fit gaussian to X-Y data (one X column, multiple Y column), for each Y column from an excel file.
coming late in the show try this ... if your data is "good" you can this this result , otherwise the fit may not allow any F...

6 månader ago | 1

draw the amplitude-frequency characteristic curve of a particular transfer function
Simply used your info and coded in matlab you have now here the right half of the plot , if you need both negative and positiv...

6 månader ago | 0

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How to fix my linear fit model?
yet another simple solution, using fminsearch (the no toolbox solution) % data laser = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16...

6 månader ago | 1

How to fix my linear fit model?
hello simply change your equation for the second part with a x shift rajaarvo = @(I) 0.1*I.*(I>=0 & I<18)+25*I.*(I>=18 & I<=...

6 månader ago | 1

Plot change in velocity
hello again we could use gradient or the function provided below then all vectors are of same size (101 samples) which allo...

6 månader ago | 0

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How can I fix "Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds" in for loop?
hello to make your code work, b should be initiallized with same dimensions as a (as a vector, not just one scalar) also it's...

6 månader ago | 0

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Identify local minima in 3D plot/coordinate data
hello this is what you need : Find local minima - MATLAB islocalmin - MathWorks France try this load('sampledata.mat') ...

6 månader ago | 0

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Environmental data band-pass filter
it's me again :) ! I'm just guessing, maybe this is what you wanted (baseline correction) clc clear; data_datalog = load('...

6 månader ago | 0

How do I count the number of times my graph crosses two separate lines?
hello maybe this ? the second plot shows the valid points (Ncounts = 4) % dummy data n = 5000; x = 50*(0:n-1)/n; y = -...

6 månader ago | 0

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How to combine two data file in one file?
hello try this : IQ_data = [2756.00000000000 - 1252.00000000000i 2681.00000000000 - 992.000000000000i 2540.00000000000 - 6...

6 månader ago | 0

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Adding specified loop outputs
hello again seems to me you want to sum the first 3 rows so it should be : Sum1=sum(output(1:3,:)); instead of Sum1=su...

6 månader ago | 1

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How to find Quadratic Damping?
hello again with some delay, here now the code modified and extended of course we already had the (equivalent) linear damping...

6 månader ago | 1

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Problem in finding the correct Chebyshev interpolation line
hello maybe this ? %% Data input x_data = [1830; 1920; 1940; 1975; 2000; 2020]; %x values y_data = [0.089; 3.52; 4.86; 17....

6 månader ago | 0

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Why does the psd of my filtered signal perfectly overlap my raw signal's one?
hello see code below, the effect of the low pass filter is clearly to be seen on the psd plot now I wonder whatkind of "activ...

6 månader ago | 1

Plotting phase noise vs offset frequency of an optoelectronic oscillator...
hello the main problem is that your data has a very coarse frequency resolution so if I remove the content below 10GHz , rem...

6 månader ago | 0

Need to put symbols on curve
Like that ? %===========================================================% clc close all; clear; workspace; %===========...

6 månader ago | 0

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Shift Filter outputs to align peaks
hello @Chunru sorry but I was a bit skeptical about your solution based on group delay seems to me the "aligned" output signa...

6 månader ago | 1

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