Exporting Simulink Scope Results to Excel
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6 månader ago | 1

| accepted

How to save row vector or cell array in a Table?
Here is a couple of ways to convert row vector into a table and cell array, e.g.: numRows = 200; numVars = 2; rowvector = ran...

6 månader ago | 0

Best way to calculate color difference score
Here are a few points to consider: Your approach of converting the RGB values to the LAB colorspace and computing the deltaE be...

6 månader ago | 0

e^x maclaurin serie
A function can be written to compute Mclaurin series approximation, e.g.: % E.g.: approximation of exp(x) at x = pi x = pi; ...

6 månader ago | 0

Find the solution of the coupled system of equations
The accepted answer is NOT the least squares method as mentioned in the question itself. F11 = 0.86; F12 = -2.3; F21 = 6.8; ...

6 månader ago | 0

Create a 4D array from 3D array with 3 columns, and 1D (row only) array with 3 columns
If understood correctly, this is what you are trying to get, e.g.: rng(13) % for reproducibility A = rand(5, 3); size...

6 månader ago | 0

Find the solution of the coupled system of equations
Applying the LS method for solving such systems is relatively straight forward, e.g.: b1 = 3x + 2y-3z b2 = 2x-y+5z b3 = -3x+6...

6 månader ago | 0

I have been working on 50 non linear differential equation with fsolve but it always give me this answer please help how can i solve this problem
There are a couple of points to consider. (1) if fsolve() has to be used, then fsolve()'s options need to be set up to perform...

7 månader ago | 0

induction motor response not satisfying
At 1st, the smoothed torque profile (curve) is not smooth enough, and it does show consideable rattling that need to be removed ...

7 månader ago | 0

Where can I find video files with the avi extension ?
If you want to find out what .avi files are resiging in a specific directory/folder, then this is how to do it: Folder = '\OneD...

7 månader ago | 0

How do I create a copy command, after I create Simulink?
There are a few options to share your model with your colelague/friend. One option is using packaging your project. Step 0. Cr...

7 månader ago | 0

How to get a colorbar to show only a specified range of values?
Use caxis() command. E.g.: % Create a data set: D = rand(200, 200) * 1e5 + 10; % Visualize the data set: imagesc(D) % A...

7 månader ago | 0

Pulling in data exported from the Data Inspector into another model
There are a few options that can be used to store simulation data from a Simulink model: (1) [To File] to store data in .mat fi...

7 månader ago | 0

Where can I find the 'b747.jpg' image
Note that starting in Jan 2022, MATLAB/Simulink toolboxes don't come with a builtin stock images including B747.jpg. Therefore, ...

7 månader ago | 0

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Which block should be used for numel function in simulink?
I don't know if there is any Simulink block for numel() or size(), which are handled in Simulink automatically. In your execise ...

7 månader ago | 0

How can I alter the MarkerSize of a plot on MATLAB Onramp?
The answer is: hold on x = lambdaHa; y = sHa; plot(x, y, "rs", "MarkerSize", 8)

7 månader ago | 0

How can I convert cell array to an arrary matrix?
This is how it can be attained: A = load('cell_array.mat').ans; for ii = 1:numel(A) H = A{ii}; K{ii} = cat(1, H(:)')...

7 månader ago | 1

3D balloon plot
WHat you are trying to generate is a surf() or mesh() type of 3D plot using your data. If so, here is a nice soulition proposed ...

7 månader ago | 0

How to make simulink model for smart battery pack?
There are a number of nice sources how to model battery packs and their management in Simulink. E.g.: (1) https://www.mathworks...

7 månader ago | 0

How do I return the indexed values unsorted, in the original order in which they appear in a vector?
Understood your question correctly, this is what you are trying to achieve: radius_gl = readmatrix('D_GAMT.txt'); % Copied you...

7 månader ago | 0

How to vectorize the given code?
One quick comment is that xe and xo have the same values and therefore, the error is "0". u=[1 2 40 70];b=u; [~,C]=size(b); P...

7 månader ago | 0

Plotting inequalities on the complex plane
Is that what you are trying to attain: % Grid size: N = 100; % Defined grid in X and Y planes: [X, Y] = meshgrid(linspace(...

7 månader ago | 1

Help on Noise Power
If understood correctly, what you are trying to attain is to generate a few different noise powers from the given signal. If so,...

7 månader ago | 0

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Handwritten number recognition app
Have tried this APP published in MATHWORKS:

7 månader ago | 0

My output text file continues to have a delimiter. How do I change this in my code?
Hi Jonathon, Your code is working as it should :). ... % One delimeter is put here and therefore, it is outputting one empt...

7 månader ago | 0

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How to select which parameters will be optimized in a model?
If you are considering few other cases, it would be necessary to consider which parameters to be optimized and which one to be l...

7 månader ago | 0

Values within a cell array must be numeric, logical, or char
Which line is causing the issue? In this example, all steps of converting struct - 2 - table and table - 2 - cell are working o...

7 månader ago | 0

How to import data (text and numbers) from a tabuled .dat file in MATLAB?
It is reading ok: % *.data can be uploaded and thus, .txt file format is taken. Both works % table0 = readtable('Mechanism.dat...

7 månader ago | 0

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error in line 15 at initial conditions please help
This is how the code should be put together and executed: % Initial conditions initial_conditions = [pi/4; 0]; % Solve the OD...

7 månader ago | 0

Figures generated in Live Script are displayed as old plots with same figure(n)
Using figure command between the plots solves this ambiguity. a= 1:10; b=rand(10,1); c=rand(10,1)+5; figure plot(a,b,a,c) ...

7 månader ago | 0

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