Creating a Decay line graph that repeats with last answer
Perhaps something like this, where the current value of "y" is dependent on its previous value: power = 2.0; decay = 0.16; ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

How do you vertically concatenate two tables with different variables of different data types
C1 = {"ford" 50 0.002439379}; T1 = cell2table(C1, "VariableNames", ["string1" "double1" "double2"]); C2 = {... "mazda" "Sub...

mer än ett år ago | 0

A "plot" progression of points following a round course
You can use a (cubic) spline for interpolation. beta=[0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2]; randr=[0 84.25 89.97 91.38 91.60 91.32 90.81];...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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How to find two values in a 3D table?
N-dimensional interpolation should probably work. For more details, see interpn. X = [1 2 3 4 5 6]'; Y = [10 20 30 40 50 60]';...

mer än ett år ago | 1

Maintain values inside loop
Store the results in a vector of results instead of just keeping a scalar result for the last one. See the "{i}" index below: f...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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How to call funcitons inside a loop ? To automate my testing
The variable called "obj" in your function is not defined anywhere in your code. You either need to pass it into the function as...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Correlation with two matrices
You can compute the pairwise correlation between columns of matrices as follows: % Data matrics with 64 channels (columns) A =...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Linear Least Squares Regression
% Original data x = [2, -2, 3, -3]; y = [7, 8, 19, 17]; % Take tranposes. x = x'; y = y'; % Find coefficients of a qu...

mer än ett år ago | 1

Finding a variable in a large table
% Create a table T = table; T.Name = ["London"; "Paris"]; T.Data1 = {15; 20}; T.Data2 = {-1; 2}; T % Find index of Name ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

I want to rotate the rotated image in the forward direction. How do I do this?
Select upper point and then lower point using the code below: line([0.1 0.2], [0.1 0.2]) % Should give a 45 degree line [x y] ...

mer än ett år ago | 1

number of figure windows that are currently open?
f1 = figure; f2 = figure; F = findobj('Type', 'figure') n = numel(F)

mer än ett år ago | 2

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Why do I receive error "Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds"
Print out what is. It is likely a string and not a numerical value since you are reading it from the drop down widget. If...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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error in pca code
You have to use the imread function to read the content of the image into a matrix. See imread. So instead of X = actin2.tif ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Matlab doesn run the program , says at the editor 'input argument might be unused ' for t
You have to save your odefun function into a MATLAB file with the name odefun.m. The message "input argument might be unused ' ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Transformig digital transferfct in analog transferfct
Take a look at the d2c function: D2C. % Discrete transfer function H = tf([1 -1],[1 1 0.3],0.1) % Convert to continuous tra...

mer än ett år ago | 0

matrix per minute in plot per hour
Something like this? for k = 0:20 x = minutes(15*k + linspace(0,15,96)); y = cumsum(rand(96,1)); p = plot(x,y); ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Help with non linear equations.
fsolve actually finds a correct solution: x = fsolve(@(x) fcn(x),[1;1;1]) You can see that the solution satisfies the equation...

mer än ett år ago | 1

Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
On this line JxL(j) = C.*A.*real(SxL); you are trying to assign a vector (C.*A.*...) into a scalar element of the variable JxL...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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How to creat noisy copies of vector?
x = -4:0.1:10; v1 = 0.1; r1 = sqrt(v1).*randn(size(x)); Y1 = x + r1; var(r1) % Should be approximately 0.1 v2 = 1; r2 ...

mer än ett år ago | 1

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I deleted part of the trapz function code, how do I fix it?
Did Undo not work (Ctrl + Z)? This might help you restore it. What version of MATLAB are you using? function z = trapz(x,y,dim...

mer än ett år ago | 1

Discrete transfer function implementation on hardware explodes to infinity
Your discrete transfer function has poles (almost) right on the unit circle: sys = tf([0 0.0611], [1 2.05 0]); sysd = c2d(sys,...

mer än ett år ago | 0

'Matlab says that the problem is at (t), i want to use ode45
As long as you call your function the right way, it should work: ode45(@odefun, [0 10], [1 1 1]) function dxdt = odefun (t...

mer än ett år ago | 1

High pass filter lower amplitude of the filtered signal
Try instead a filter that is more smooth at the transition region and has less ripple at the left of the high-pass region: fs =...

mer än ett år ago | 1

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Alternate Text for image in Live Script
You can now add Alt-text to images in the Live Editor using the "Edit Image.." right-click menu on the inserted image. You will ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

How to get z-score from Kruskal Wallis test.
The Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox has the command to compute the zscore: >> help zscore zscore Standardized z score...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

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Access to MATLAB for a visually impaired student
MATLAB Online is more suitable for users with accessibility needs as constant accessibility improvements are made on that platfo...

mer än 3 år ago | 4

Motor Current Signature Analysis for Gear Train Fault Detection
Hi, I am one of the author's of this example. It is definitely possible to achieve 1500 Hz sampling rate with Arduino Uno and t...

mer än 3 år ago | 0

Does MatLab meet accessibility requirements with respect to ADA and Section 508?
MathWorks now has an Accessibility Statement for MATLAB available on the web. You can find it at the link below:

mer än 5 år ago | 0

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Can I please get an accessibility statement
MathWorks now has an Accessibility Statement for MATLAB available on the web. You can find it at the link below:

mer än 5 år ago | 1

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How to decide dimension (using correlationDimension function)?
Hi JaeSung, You can estimate the embedding dimension of your data using the phaseSpaceReconstruction command and use that val...

mer än 5 år ago | 0

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