How to replace NAN values in a string to a zero value
Your for-loop is not a valid MATLAB expression. It should probably be: for i = 1:n end When i == 0, VW(i) would not be vali...

mer än ett år ago | 0

how to smooth or filter the signal like this?
You can apply a low-pass filter to remove the noise in the signal before taking the Fourier Transform of the data: load('data.m...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Why am I receiving multiple database errors for a simple line of code?
Your for loop index, i, goes up to size(ALPI01.time) and you are trying to index into the (i+1)th entry of the variable ALPI01...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Why is my code not working?
The variables (ad, ag, etc.) that you need in your functions T(t), etc. need to be defined in the functions themselves. Also, f...

mer än ett år ago | 0

How do you do a sine transform in Matlab?
According to Wikipedia, versions of it can be computed using the discrete cosine transform: "A DST-III or DST-IV can be computed...

mer än ett år ago | 0

error illegal methods use
You seem to have a missing "end" around line 80-81 at the end of the "switch" block. You need an "end" at the end of the functio...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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How can I use interp1 to interpolate the last row of a matrix?
Interpolation is probably not the right term here since interpolation, typically, requires a set of (x,y) data and a different s...

mer än ett år ago | 0

How to do PCA in Matlab?
You can use the pca command from the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox: ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Storing a portion of a signal for real time processing in Simulink
The typical approach to convert a sine wave to square wave is to use a Schmitt Trigger. Simscape library has a block for this, w...

mer än ett år ago | 0

How to program a push button which will display the graphs signal filter
You can set the Visible property of the line object handles to 'off' to hide them. Set them off in your button callback. x = (...

mer än ett år ago | 1

I want to ask about low pass filter in app design
It looks like you are showing the filtered image (an) on the same uiaxes as the original image, so they are overlapping. You wo...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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How to add two conditions to a plot?
You had unmatched parentheses among other things. x = 1:10; u = rand(1,10); v = rand(1,10); AL = rand(1,10); BE = rand(1,10...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Not enough input arguments error/ int command/ integral calculation
Use the integral command, not int. The integral command does numerical integration. The int command is for symbolic integration....

mer än ett år ago | 0

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how to pan stereo audio on Matlab
For stereo audio, your data has to be an n x 2 matrix. Then you can multiply each channel (column) by a weight between 0 and 1 t...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Sending a variable from MATLAB to Arduino
You have to call in loop() and not in setup(), since setup() is called only once when Arduino starts running. Also...

mer än ett år ago | 1

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What is MathWorks's preferred way to receive product feedback?
You can Create Service Request and select the Technical Support option, which also includes suggestions: https://www.mathworks.c...

mer än ett år ago | 2

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ERROR // Array indices must be positive integers or local values
In MATLAB, array indexing is 1-based, not 0-based. The first element of colorData, etc. would be colorData(1). Occasionally, ra...

mer än ett år ago | 1

How we can figure the Fast Fourier Transform of a district time history data?
Your sine function's frequency is not 5 Hz, it is 5 rad/sec. To get the frequency in Hz, multiply the argument to the sine funct...

mer än ett år ago | 0

How to get calibration values for my accelerometer
It looks like this IC has a 16-bit ADC. Depending on which acceleration range you select, the magnitude would be scaled as: ran...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Unable to change Marker Size in Scatter Plot
You just need to pick a good value: x = rand(10,1); y = rand(10,1); subplot(211) scatter(x,y) subplot(212) scatter(x,y,...

mer än ett år ago | 1

run a for loop for 240 minutes
% Runs for 5 seconds (i.e., 5/60 minutes) T = 5/60; % minutes ti = datetime('now'); tf = datetime('now'); while (minutes(tf-...

mer än ett år ago | 2

Is There a Command in MATLAB Like WorkingPrecision in MATHEMATICA?
Yes, if you have access to Symbolic Math Toolbox. See Otherwise, you will get ...

mer än ett år ago | 1

how to approximate set of point to a given function
This is an optimization problem that can be solved using fminsearch and a least-squares cost function. % "Unknown" model parame...

mer än ett år ago | 1

Vector range error in matlab
Works just fine for me: o = [2, 4, -3, 0, 1, 5, 7]; range(o) mean(o) median(o) You can do which -all range to see which r...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Plotting an evelope between high and low price forecasting
high = rand(10,1) + 2; low = rand(10,1); med = (high+low) / 2; year = (1:10)'; % Corners of the patch to paint. patch(......

mer än ett år ago | 1

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How to color the colormap with a set of hexadecimal colors?
You can use a function like this in a loop: map = {'E1F2E3','CDE5D2','9CCEA7','6CBA7D','40AD5A','22BB3B','06592A'} N = numel...

mer än ett år ago | 0

I need to add and multiply a vetor
This looks like the dot product of the subvectors u(1:n-1) and u(2:end): u = cos(0:pi/20:pi); % Create the vector p = u(1:end-...

mer än ett år ago | 1

Display temperature reading of MAAX6675 on Matlab GUI via Arduino board
You will have to use the SPI interface of the Arduino support package to configure access to MAX6675:

mer än ett år ago | 0

How to integrate filter function into matlab code
You can create the Butterworth filter directly and use it in your code without needing to store anything: Fs = 2000; % Sampling...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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Find which side of a line is my point
You can use the sign of the z-term of the cross product of the vectors defining the line and the points of interest: vAB = [3 2...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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