How can I export .mkv file containing depth data to .ply file?
Hi @海志, As I understand it, you already have the video containing depth frames, which can be extracted using the “VideoReader”...

5 månader ago | 0

Do any one share simulink model for extracting Radio data System text message?
Hi @vivekkumar singh, As I understand it, you are trying to decode a text message from "RDS/RBDS." For ODAs, the "RDS/RBDS" re...

5 månader ago | 0

Simulation of pneumatic systems
Hi @Sai, As I understand, you are looking for guidance on modeling a pneumatic system using Simscape. The following example mi...

5 månader ago | 0

Skip reading a file with file datastore
Hi Heine Hørup Pedersen, As I understand, you are trying to achieve the behavior of "next(fds)" on a "FileDatastore" object "fd...

5 månader ago | 1

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How can we model linear hardware distortion at the transmitter?
Hi @A_SD, As I understand, you are trying to model linear distortion at the transmitter. This can be achieved by configuring an...

5 månader ago | 0

Modeling condensation of the outer pipe surface of the Pipe (MA) Simscape model
Hi @Philip, As I understand, you're trying to model the effect of moist air in contact with a cold pipe surface. This can be a...

5 månader ago | 0

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Input size error when using unet3dLayers with valid convolutional padding
Hi @Timothy, As I understand it, you are trying to compute “unet3Dlayers” on a patch of size [36, 36, 36, 1], which results in ...

5 månader ago | 0

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Which one is the joystick ID?
Hi @Pancy, As I understand it, you are trying to use the "vrjoystick" function. The "id" parameter, as mentioned in the documen...

5 månader ago | 0

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Issue with Aardvark Interface in Instrument Control Toolbox
Hi @豪人, As I understand you are experiencing an issue with the Aardvark interface after installing the "Instrument Control Too...

5 månader ago | 0

LSTM identification and modeling
Hi @Jesus Mª Juarez Ferreras, I understand that you are attempting to estimate a state-space model from a trained LSTM model. T...

5 månader ago | 0

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I have a question regarding SatCom toolbox, is there a way to make the transmitter "Laser" and the receiver "Photodetector"?
Hi @Reham Wafaee, As I understand it, you are trying to perform optical communication using the "Satellite Communication Toolbo...

6 månader ago | 0

Display circuit diagram from command window
Hi @sansan As per my understanding, you are trying to open models using the Simulink graphical environment on mobile. This is n...

6 månader ago | 0

Unable to connected to xcp using peak system
Hi Ashraf, As per my understanding, you are able to connect to PEAK CAN but not to the XCP server. To troubleshoot the connecti...

6 månader ago | 0

How do I extract or call a set of data like PSD(particle size distribution) to Matlab from Aspen Plus using Actxserver without using Excel?
Hi Gopi, As per my understanding, you are trying to link Aspen Plus with MATLAB through COM. There is a File Exchange submissio...

6 månader ago | 0

Change format of field contour labels that have been manually added in a tiled layout
Hi @Daniel, I also observed the same error at “clabel(C, H, “manual”)” inside tiledLayout. I find that you could use subplot fo...

6 månader ago | 0

SDR WiFi Beacon transmit and receive length
Hi @Michael Burke, I understand that you are trying to capture data using the ADALM-PLUTO Radio, I couldn’t find “captureWaveF...

6 månader ago | 0

Is it correct to increase the number of voices per octave above 48 when using the wsst function?
Hi @Marc Heras Puig As per my understanding, you are aiming to increase the resolution your result using the “wsst” function. P...

6 månader ago | 0

Is there a possibility of MCDC coverage while MIL/SIL testing with TragetLink
Hi @Girish, It is possible to use Simulink Coverage tools and obtain "MCDC" coverage, which falls under Model Coverage during M...

6 månader ago | 0

How to implement ESN layers or more generally reservoir computing approach in MATLAB DDPG agent
Hi @Amir, ESN layer is not supported as of now in MATLAB as of now. You may find this file exchange useful which contains the ...

6 månader ago | 1

Regenerative Braking using BLDC Motor
Hi @Shreyas, Here are some useful documentation links for designing braking circuit using BLDC motor:

6 månader ago | 0

How to compute the gradients of SAC agent for custom training. In additon, is the target critics are updated automatically by matlab, given that agent =rlSACAgent()
Hi @houssam deboucha, The critic and actor networks are updated internally using the “train” function for agents defined as: a...

6 månader ago | 0

i got theta(degrees), phi(degrees), gain(dB). so how to plot radiation pattern in 360 degrees in 3d
Hi @johnphilip bhimavarapuj, Here is an example of plotting radiation pattern in 360 degrees in 3D using “patternCustom” funct...

6 månader ago | 0

Confirming a confirmed track for GNN tracker
Hi @Sarfaraz, The “trackStateLogic" parameter is used to specify the confirmation and deletion logic type for a trackerObject ...

6 månader ago | 0

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Creating an I/Q waveform file from ADS-B dataset.
Hi @Ketan Bharucha, To process and extract message from ADS-B data you can refer to the following documentation link from Comm...

6 månader ago | 0

Question on Simulink Matlab Function
Hi @Fumihiko Sato, MATLAB Function block supports variable-size arrays for input and output types, it can be configured in Mode...

6 månader ago | 0

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How can we read programatically the Alias Data Type of a signal line that get displayed in Information OverLays
Hi @Annu To access “aliasDataType” on the signal-line, you could use “get_param” function on the specific block connected in th...

6 månader ago | 0

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How to save pretrained DQN agent and extract the weights inside the network?
Hi @Kuan Yi Li, For saving and loading pretrained “DQN” agent, you could use “load” and “save” functions as: doTraining = fal...

7 månader ago | 0

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Halo i want to combine 2d slices oct skin images into 3d, after that i want to make an automatic detection volume of epidermis and stratum corneum
Hi @Gilang, The implementation for converting 2D slices to 3D above looks correct. However, you could change the initialization...

7 månader ago | 0

exponential increase in wave form in three phase grid connected svpwm
Hi @PARADESI, Exponentially increasing "vref" waveform likely indicates instability in the control loop, here are the checks th...

7 månader ago | 0

EEG non linear feature extraction on epochs or channels or segments problem
Hi @Mehrnaz, Here is a MATLAB resource for computing the Lempel-Ziv complexity using the “calc_lz_complexity”from the File Exch...

7 månader ago | 0

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