146 results

ScreenCapture gets a screen-capture image of any Matlab GUI handle, or specified screen area rectangle

Find java objects contained within a specified java container or Matlab GUI handle

Displays sprintf-formatted strings in the Command Window using the specified color/underline style

setFigTransparency sets the transparency/opacity of a figure window, with optional fading effect

SoundVolume sets or gets the computer system's speaker sound volume, using Java

GUI Layout Toolbox


by Ben Tordoff

Layout management objects for MATLAB GUIs

Enhanced replacement for uicontrol & javacomponent, accepting all Java (Swing/AWT) style components

Generates ‘.xls’ & '.xlsx' files on Mac/Linux/Win without Excel, using same syntax as xlswrite.

EditorMacro assigns a macro or action to requested key-binding in the Matlab Editor & Command Window



by Jesse Lai

Create a password entry dialog for entering a password that is visibly hidden

FileStructure viewer, Store Bookmarks, Custom KeyBoard Hotkeys, Live Templates, Navigation History

Sets the Command Window prompt to the specified string

A Java-based function to control keyboard & mouse programmatically



by Bob Hamans

Lists the contents of a zip file.

Split a container (figure/frame/uipanel) into two resizable sub-containers, like Java's JSplitPane

Sends/receives UDP packets using Matlab's Java interface.

Simple function cleaning up, at runtime, Java heap memory, thus preventing java OutOfMemory error



by Jeremy

A simple WebSocket library for Matlab.

A custom class that eases the use of Java AWT and Swing components in MATLAB

Inspect an object handle (Java/COM/HG); display its methods/properties/callbacks in a unified window



by Jens Richter

toPPT is a powerful tool for generating powerpoint presentations programmatically defined in matlab.

Limit figure size


by Jan

Set minimal or maximal size of a figure

Add a gif as splash screen to your GUI

Matlab interface for Weka Classifiers

MIJ allows to exchange data between ImageJ and Matlab for image processing and image analysis

Read images from live video streams (ip cameras, usb cameras, h264, mjpeg, etc.)

Creates a GUI table from a structure with custom data and behaviour.

This function uses the abiliy from MuPad to create javaview-files (jvd, jvx) and html - documents.

Class for Drag & Drop functionality

Creates a listbox whose contents can be reordered by clicking and dragging items.

Shortcut tools


by Richie Cotton

Programmatically manipulate shortcuts.

Call Weka functions from within Matlab

A dynamic search box key press function callback for an edit box



by Mikhail

Compare two variables and display results in comparison viewer



by Yair Altman

set/get status bar(s) for GUI figures & Matlab desktop

Inspect a Java/MCOS/Python/C++/.NET object or classname and display its methods, properties, events, superclasses, subclasses, constants etc

JTattooDemo demonstrates effects of Look-and-Feel changes (including JTattoo L&F) on GUI controls

A java-based MATLAB class for buffered sound playback

Access historical data, real-time market data, place orders, options chains, and more

blurs a specified figure window and prevents interaction with it until the figure is un-blurred

Dialplot Demo


by Sven Koerner

Dial example of using JFreeChart and Matlab functionality within Matlab.

Open GE in Matlab - GUI via ActiveX



by Jarrod Rivituso

MATLAB class that allows you to use XPath to navigate and extract data from an XML document.



by Jonathan Karr

Platform independent MySQL database solution with blob support.

The tool get the height-Profile from GoogleEarth via COM-API and the image to generate a 3D-surface.

This function allows to show 3d-surface plots in html - documents.

Import of Java Swing GUIs from Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ etc

Copies all text in the command window into a cell array of strings.

Package contains Matlab's MAT-file I/O API in JAVA. Supports Matlab 5 MAT-flie format reading and wr

Example file how to use weka (written in Java) in Matlab

propertiesGUI processes and displays a list of data property values in a context-aware GUI table

Enable C++ GUI integration by retrieving the HWnd handle of matlab figure(s)

Enable multiple window callbacks and properties not exposed by Matlab

Password dialog and masked edit box uicontrol for passwords

TabbedPanes, SplitPanes, SideBars, ScrollPanes etc for MATLAB

Process manager


by Brian Lau

Matlab class for launching and managing asynchronous processes

Opens a variable in the Variables Editor (grabs focus if open) and scrolls to position.

Advanced Encryption Standard helper class.

Convert decimal integer string to hexadecimal representation and back

Compares objects of any type inc. Java, Matlab, HG handles, structs, cells & arrays

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