
Version 1.0 (1.69 MB) by Jianghao Wang
Introducing artificial intelligence to freshmen with an image classification demo using convolutional neural networks
Updated 24 Feb 2021

This sample code has been developed in collaboration with Kanazawa Institute of Technology on image classification using Convolutional Neural Networks. Using an original visualization app built with App Designer, students can visualize the training process of a neural network for improving its accuracy with their own handwritten letters while learning and experiencing practical techniques.

Cite As

Jianghao Wang (2024). teaching-ai-in-the-classroom (https://github.com/mathworks/teaching-ai-in-the-classroom-Introduction/releases/tag/v1.0), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2020a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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