MATTA: AutoMatic Acquisition Tool for Turntable cAlibration

MATTA is a tool developed in order to calibrate a two-axis rotary table with respect to a stereo-camera acquisition system.
Updated 14 Jul 2021

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The main purpose of the software is to provide a tool that guides the user through the entire calibration process. The software has been developed in the MATLAB®R2020a environment and is meant to work on computers equipped with Microsoft Windows®10, macOS®, or Linux®. The Computer Vision Toolbox, the Image Processing Toolbox, the Optimization Toolbox, and the MATLAB® Support Package for Arduino Hardware are required. The GUI also makes use of the open-source Camera Calibration Toolbox for MATLAB® provided by the California Institute of Technology.

Cite As

Bisogni, L.; Mollaiyan, R.; Pettinari, M.; Neri, P.; Gabiccini, M. Automatic Calibration of a Two-Axis Rotary Table for 3D Scanning Purposes. Sensors 2020, 20, 7107.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2020a
Compatible with R2018a and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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MATTA/MATTA/File GUI/Acquisition

MATTA/MATTA/File GUI/Camera Calibration

MATTA/MATTA/File GUI/Error Analysis

MATTA/MATTA/File GUI/Table Calibration

MATTA/MATTA/File GUI/Table Calibration/Funzioni

MATTA/MATTA/File GUI/Table Calibration/Funzioni/PlaneFit

MATTA/MATTA/Support Script

MATTA/MATTA/Support Script/subaxis


Version Published Release Notes

Compatibility issues resolved.

Minor update

Update references.
