Mass and Stiffness Matrix Extractor from Sap 2000

Version 1.0.1 (2.02 KB) by Ahmed Anas
This program can be used to extract mass and stiffness matrices for your Sap 2000 analysis problem.
Updated 8 Mar 2020

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Stiffness and Mass matrix plays a very important role in structural static and dynamic analysis problem. The entire analysis problem is based on these two matrices. But Sap 2000 does not provide these matrices directly, thus some indirect method has to be used to get these matrices and have some better understanding. Accordingly, this program has been developed to extract stiffness and mass matrices for your particular problem case from Sap 2000.
Instructions about using this program have been described in the m file.

Cite As

Ahmed Anas (2024). Mass and Stiffness Matrix Extractor from Sap 2000 (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2019b
Compatible with R2017a to R2019b
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

Can be used for 2d and 3d problems.
