Extracts and plots horizontal profiles - SCRIPT

The script extracts and plots horizontal profiles belonging to a square grid made up of evenly spaced points.
Updated 25 Nov 2019

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The script extracts and plots horizontal profiles from a square point cloud (evenly spaced points, e.g. *.DAT format obtained with the SURFER software). The user choose the amount of horizontal profiles to extrapulate and to plot. The profiles extrapulated are evenly spaced.

Soon the script will be upgraded to work as a function.

INPUT: - file .DAT, square point cloude of evenly spaced points;
- number of profiles to extract;
- size of the sides of the grid.

OUTPUT: - plots;
- variables: 1) LON_PLOT - asse x;
2) LAT_PLOT - asse y;
3) profili_estratti - asse z (elevation).

Cite As

Veronica Taurino (2025). Extracts and plots horizontal profiles - SCRIPT (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/72337-extracts-and-plots-horizontal-profiles-script), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2017a
Compatible with any release
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Windows macOS Linux

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