Nonlinear multi-axial constant ductility spectra (H,V,tilt)

Robust function to generate multi-component constant-ductility nonlinear-inelastic response spectra.
Updated 6 Sep 2019

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Robust function to generate multi-component constant-ductility nonlinear-inelastic response spectra for multi-axial simultaneous excitation including horizontal, vertical and rotational motions (i.e. rotational acceleration and tilt).
It also computes components of seismic input energy imparted to the SDOF oscillator.
Its features are:
- Multi-axial excitation (simultaneous horizontal, vertical and rotational input ground motions)
- Material nonlinearity is presented by Ozdemir's rate-independent force-displacement model
- P-delta (at global level) is included
- Spectral analysis for constant yield displacement
- Input energy computations and output results for components of absolute and relative energy
zip file contains reference papers and example input ground motions from Pacoima Dam and output results.

Cite As

Dr. Erol Kalkan, P.E. (2024). Nonlinear multi-axial constant ductility spectra (H,V,tilt) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2014a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

Title is modified

updated description
Updated ReadME.txt file
Updated state-space formulation to include derivative of vertical acceleration in dy(5) as reminded by Wang Zhen.
Updated figures so they will be saved to a folder called "figs" in PNG format

updated notes